Thursday, December 15, 2011
Hitting the books...
It's offical...I am now a student again and will be hitting the books in January! I have learned the hard way that it isn't a good idea to go to a small school that requires the bare minimal for the program you are in. I have soooo many prereqs to take for PA school and I am to say the least not very happy about it. I have had to put my big girl pants on and enroll in classes that I have already taken because nothing transfered. So, needless to say I feel like I am a freshman enrolling in classes that I took almost 10 years ago. The difference is I am going to be sitting in classes with students that are true freshman while I am 28 years old and have a bachelor's degree!!! Oh the joy of attending class with 18-20 yr. olds, all while they stero-type me as the "non-traditional" student!!! Help me hold back the excitement!!! You won't find much excitement in my voice or heart of starting school again until I am accepted into PA school...then I will be jumping for joy!!! I just gotta get through these prereqs!!!! I CAN DO IT!!!!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
O Christmas Tree
Last Friday, one of my friends came over and helped me decorate my Christmas tree and put out my other Christmas decorations!!! I bought a new tree this year because the one I have had previous years was small and not very full! I choose the color scheme of black and silver and it looks great!! The tree is even complete with my stocking and Mia's stocking under the tree! Mia doesn't seemed bothered by it, but when we are playing catch and a bone goes under the tree, you can bet that she doesn't even think about going under there to get it!!!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Chiefs vs. Steelers
My dad and I headed out of Oakley on Saturday morning in route for the casino in Topeka!!! Yes, we had to leave a whole day and a half before the Chiefs game (the real reason we were headed to eastern KS), so my dad could gamble!!! I spent the afternoon with my aunt and uncle and it was great catching up with them!
On Sunday, Dad and I drove over to KC, leaving way early so he could stop at Harrah's and gamble some more!!! Then we were finally off the Chiefs game!! We met up with my cousins, Derek, Linsdey, Jenny, and Scottie and tailgated before going into the stadium!!! Let me tell you it was a FREEZING game!!! But we had fun!!! Despite the outcome of them game it was great to see my cousins and spend some quality time with my dad!!!
On Sunday, Dad and I drove over to KC, leaving way early so he could stop at Harrah's and gamble some more!!! Then we were finally off the Chiefs game!! We met up with my cousins, Derek, Linsdey, Jenny, and Scottie and tailgated before going into the stadium!!! Let me tell you it was a FREEZING game!!! But we had fun!!! Despite the outcome of them game it was great to see my cousins and spend some quality time with my dad!!!
My nephew and brother-in-law Lee are a house divided!!!
Thanksgiving 2011
This year Mia and I headed back to Kansas for Thanksgiving with my family!! It was a sooo good to be home for 5 days!! The only people missing where my sister Jera, her husband Lee, and my nephew Nick...they were unable to travel the 8 hours home because Jera is close to her due date and her doctor wouldn't let her travel that far!! They were with us in spirit!!! But we missed them dearly!
Thanksgiving Day Mom, Tori, and I got up bri
ght and early, turned on the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade and the baking began!!! We made an apple pie and a pumpkin pie, while mom got other things ready for the rest of the guests to arrive!!! Before we sknew it my mom's brother and sister showed up with their families and the chaos began!!! We had a blast and Mia and Gia were the highlight of the day with all the kids!! Mia even turned into an airplane at one point! Those girls were tired pups by the end of the day!!!
Thanksgiving Day Mom, Tori, and I got up bri
ght and early, turned on the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade and the baking began!!! We made an apple pie and a pumpkin pie, while mom got other things ready for the rest of the guests to arrive!!! Before we sknew it my mom's brother and sister showed up with their families and the chaos began!!! We had a blast and Mia and Gia were the highlight of the day with all the kids!! Mia even turned into an airplane at one point! Those girls were tired pups by the end of the day!!!
With Mia and Gia shortly after they were reunited!
Aren't they the cutest little pups you ever did see???
All tuckered out!!!
Mia and Gia got spayed the day after Thanksgiving...they looked pitiful when they got home!! Neither one of them was the least bit happy that they had to wear those collars!
Friday night after Thanksgiving...we went to the Oakley light parade and it was actually pretty good!! After the parade Tori and I went to the bowling alley with my friend of course we told my dad that we were just going to have a couple beers and come home...well after several beers we finally arrived home at 2:00 I walked into the house I went looking for Mia...and where did I find her....IN MY PARENT'S BED!!! I was SHOCKED!!!! My mom is slowly becoming a puppy lover...well a Mia and Gia lover!!!!
Amanda and I at the bowling alley in Oakley!
Amanda, Tori, and I
Debut of the new name!!
Well, after reading blog names after blog names, there is one that always comes back to me and was suggested by a friend that I met while traveling in Corpus Christi. He suggested..."small tales of a not-so-little hearted Kansas girl". I wanted to keep a little bit of nursing in the title, so instead of "code blog: tales of a travel nurse", I decided to go with "code blog: small tales of a NOT-SO-LITTLE hearted kansas girl" So there you have it, my new blog name that describes me well!!! I try not to bore anyone with long posts, so small tales works great, and I feel like I have a big heart so NOT-SO-LITTLE hearted" fits right in there, and of course I'm from Kansas while living in Colorado, so that suits me as well!!! Hope you all will find that this new name suits my blog as well!!!
Monday, November 21, 2011
This weekend my friend Ashley and I went to the Dierks Bentley concert for my birthday!!! I wonder why I forget all the songs these singers sing until I get to their concert...however it excites me when I forget and then they start to sing the song and I love it!!! Opening for Dierks was Eli Young Band and Jerrod Niemann...both of whom I love also!!! We had a blast!!!
After the concert we went to a bar and had a few beers, and I must say I have been the several bars and never once experienced a loss of power at a there we are getting a beer and the power went out...the music stopped and it was dead silent in the bar...eventually they got the power back on by the flip of a breaker, but still it was a first and it's funny when the crazy loud music stops, but you are talking, actually yelling to your friends because it's loud and you don't stop yelling because you never expected the power to go out!!!
After the concert we went to a bar and had a few beers, and I must say I have been the several bars and never once experienced a loss of power at a there we are getting a beer and the power went out...the music stopped and it was dead silent in the bar...eventually they got the power back on by the flip of a breaker, but still it was a first and it's funny when the crazy loud music stops, but you are talking, actually yelling to your friends because it's loud and you don't stop yelling because you never expected the power to go out!!!
Mia and I are excited to head for the holiday in just a few days!!! I can't wait to see my family and extended family!!! We will be home from Wednesday-Monday. Mia will probably hate me after Friday because she is going under the knife and getting spade. I will even be making a trip to eastern KS with my dad to go to the Sunday night Football game with the Chiefs vs. Steelers...I can't wait until the Chiefs destroy the Steelers, especially so that I can have a visual imagine in my head of my brother-in-law Lee crying black and yellow tears!!! Can't wait to get back to my roots!!!!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Annual Seminarian Dinner 2011
Last night my mom and dad came to Denver for the evening to go to the Annual Seminarian Dinner with the special guest ArchBishop Charles Chaput! It was a fun event! The wine, food, choir, and speakers were wonderful! Last night was the first time I have seen my uncle since his installation in Philadelphia, and he looked sooo tired!!! He has a lot on his plate, but I know that he will turn the Archdiocese of Philadelphia around! It was great to see the smile on his face when we walked up to him a the VIP cocktail party because he had no idea we were going to be there! He grabbed my hand and kissed it, then he saw the huge ring I was wearing....took it off, put it on his own finger and went over to another Bishop and said "This is what I wear in Philadelphia!" He thought it was sooo funny and I'm glad that he could laugh!
A kid from Oakley is in the seminary here and his mom and dad have been friends with my mom and dad for a long time, so they also came to the dinner. It was nice to see them and we all had a great time! Since the dinner was downtown at the Theatre Convention center and the train station was just a block away from the convention center, I decided to take the train downtown by myself for the first time!! Much to my surprise, I never felt was cheap, and I didn't have to deal with Friday rush hour! I'm so glad that I took the train!! I'll leave with you some pictures...they were taken from my phone, so they aren't as good as quality as they could be, but they work!
A kid from Oakley is in the seminary here and his mom and dad have been friends with my mom and dad for a long time, so they also came to the dinner. It was nice to see them and we all had a great time! Since the dinner was downtown at the Theatre Convention center and the train station was just a block away from the convention center, I decided to take the train downtown by myself for the first time!! Much to my surprise, I never felt was cheap, and I didn't have to deal with Friday rush hour! I'm so glad that I took the train!! I'll leave with you some pictures...they were taken from my phone, so they aren't as good as quality as they could be, but they work!
Mom and I waiting for the dinner to begin! We were kind of hiding so that Chuck wouldn't see us!
Mom and Dad outside the ballroom!
Dad and I waiting for Chuck to arrive!
Mom, Dad, and I at the dinner!
Mom, Dad, Sheri, Bob, Shawn, and I at the dinner!
Friday, November 11, 2011
A week of nights....
Well, I started the night shift this week and surprisingly I was ready!!! For most of you that know me, I'm not really a morning person....sleeping in is my this morning, the alarm was set for 8:30 and I woke up with Mia snoring by my side at 10:30am. So, I am totally a night person! The transition was a lot easier than I ever thought it would be!! A plus to working nights is that my friends that I met at orientation are also on nights, one of them works in the ICU with me as well!!! I have told myself that I am working nights until I get my savings account back to where it was before I moved here!!! Since I have been debt free, I am a money hoarder....once it's in my savings account, I cringe when I have to take some out just to live, and I had to to by some furniture! Since the night shift is $5.75 more an hour and another $2.00 more on the'll be a great income to get my savings account back where it was!!!
I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of my parents for the evening!! They are coming to Denver for an apprieciation dinner for my uncle!!! I'm soooo excited to see my uncle and my parents!!!
Right now, I'm getting a little laugh! Mia does a really good job of entertaining herself....she is running full throttle from the living room to my bedroom with a toy in her mouth making it squeak!!! This cute little rugrat about saw her life come to an end this last week! I was sleeping on the couch after a night shift and she fell off the couch because she is too chicken to jump off. Well needless to say she created quite the disaster....she dug through on of my plants, got dirt everywhere and tried to eat the leaves...which surprised me that she continued to chew on the leaves because it was "Mr. Nasty", my cactus that she was chewing on. She also chewed up some cardboard that was on the floor with my new cell phone case....she was a bad little puppy that day!!!!! But, I love her all the same!!!
One more thing before I sign off....HAPPY VETERN'S DAY!!!!!!
I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of my parents for the evening!! They are coming to Denver for an apprieciation dinner for my uncle!!! I'm soooo excited to see my uncle and my parents!!!
Right now, I'm getting a little laugh! Mia does a really good job of entertaining herself....she is running full throttle from the living room to my bedroom with a toy in her mouth making it squeak!!! This cute little rugrat about saw her life come to an end this last week! I was sleeping on the couch after a night shift and she fell off the couch because she is too chicken to jump off. Well needless to say she created quite the disaster....she dug through on of my plants, got dirt everywhere and tried to eat the leaves...which surprised me that she continued to chew on the leaves because it was "Mr. Nasty", my cactus that she was chewing on. She also chewed up some cardboard that was on the floor with my new cell phone case....she was a bad little puppy that day!!!!! But, I love her all the same!!!
One more thing before I sign off....HAPPY VETERN'S DAY!!!!!!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Snow Day Fun!!!!
Yesterday, the Denver area got lots of snow, so my great friend Sarah and I decided to have a baking marathon! I went down to Parker to Sarah's house, we went grocery shopping, baked and decorated fall sugar cookies, and made soups for dinner! Mia went a long for this fun and had a blast playing with times there were whines from Mia only because Brogan was picking her up by her hair...but Mia survived the day! Sometimes the look in Mia's eyes was, "Just leave me alone so I can take my nap"!
We had a great time and chit-chatted, laughed, and remincsed about good ole times!!! After about 4 hours of baking and decoating cookies we had 79 of the cutest turkeys, pumpkins, and leaves...and they are also sooooo delicious!!!
We had a great time and chit-chatted, laughed, and remincsed about good ole times!!! After about 4 hours of baking and decoating cookies we had 79 of the cutest turkeys, pumpkins, and leaves...and they are also sooooo delicious!!!
Sarah cutting out the cookies!!!
Our final project
While Sarah and I made cookies. Brogan and Mia fought over who was going to get Mia's bed...
And Brogan won.....
Meanwhile, Brogan also decided she was going to try on my Uggs....
After the cookies were baked and decorated, Sarah and I made soups for all of us! We decided on green bean dumpling soup and chicken noodle soup...needless to say they were amazing and it felt soooo good to sit down and relax!!!! There was enough left over to freeze and have at another time!
Finally it was time for Mia and I to go home for the night!! Since it was 23 degrees outside at 8pm, Mia had to snuggle into my coat or she would have froze to death!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
New Name....
Since I am not currently a traveling nurse, I fee like I need to change my blog title! So, I'm asking for a little help from the people that read my blog....I have been googling names of blogs, and there isn't one that really just catches my eye. I really want a pretty unique I'm asking for suggestions from my blog readers!!! Either leave a comment on here or send me a message on facebook. I can't wait to hear some of the suggestions!!!!!!
Happy November!!!!
I can't believe it's already November and in just 2 weeks I'll be 28...YIKES!!! The last two weeks in Denver have flown by and I have loved every minute of it!!!
The job is great, I just wish that I was off orientation already! I hate when people are constantly watching over what I am doing! My preceptor is great and only helps, hovers, or explains things when I ask. I am still trying to find my way around the brand new hospital, but other than that all the people are nice and very helpful! I told myself this last week that I can't wait until I am here long enough to precept someone and know everything that my preceptor knows!!!
Mia is tolerating the 12 hour shifts of being contained to her play pen. When I get home she is a crazy little puppy that runs around like a chicken with it's head cut off, but she is just toooooo cute!!! I often times wonder what in the world is going through that head of hers!! Today, I found out that she loves coffee...I had a cup of coffee and I sat it down and turned around for one second and there she was lapping up the coffee like is was going out of style! Even when I told her to stop, she still went after it! Needless to say, that ended up being a wasted cup of coffee!!! :)
Update on PA school: I will be contacting the admissions office for CU-Denver this week and see what is best for me to do. I don't want to declare a major, but if I have to then I guess I will. So if I have to declare a major, it'll either be in biology or chemistry and then hopefully apply to PA school when I get all my in January, I'm sure you will hear me complain about going to school again!!! I'm excited, but dreading it too!!!!
That is about all the updates that I have....but I have one thing to ask of my friends, family, and anyone that I don't know that reads my of my aunts is having some major health issues and has been struggling for 8 months to get a diagnosis...I just ask that everyone pray for her and her prayers are filled with requests for their family.
The job is great, I just wish that I was off orientation already! I hate when people are constantly watching over what I am doing! My preceptor is great and only helps, hovers, or explains things when I ask. I am still trying to find my way around the brand new hospital, but other than that all the people are nice and very helpful! I told myself this last week that I can't wait until I am here long enough to precept someone and know everything that my preceptor knows!!!
Mia is tolerating the 12 hour shifts of being contained to her play pen. When I get home she is a crazy little puppy that runs around like a chicken with it's head cut off, but she is just toooooo cute!!! I often times wonder what in the world is going through that head of hers!! Today, I found out that she loves coffee...I had a cup of coffee and I sat it down and turned around for one second and there she was lapping up the coffee like is was going out of style! Even when I told her to stop, she still went after it! Needless to say, that ended up being a wasted cup of coffee!!! :)
Here is picture of my sweet little Miss Mia last night on Halloween....she HATED her little outfit, but still looked like a little dollie!!! Isn't she the cutest thing you ever did see?
That is about all the updates that I have....but I have one thing to ask of my friends, family, and anyone that I don't know that reads my of my aunts is having some major health issues and has been struggling for 8 months to get a diagnosis...I just ask that everyone pray for her and her prayers are filled with requests for their family.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Mia's new game....
Mia has a new game that she plays EVERY night...and it's quite annoying!!! I will sit her on my bed and she finds herself in the mirror on my dresser...she constantly growls and "half" barks at herself. She gets all nervous and starts to pace up and down the bed and stops, looks in the mirror, and does it all over again! One night it lasted an hour and a half even after I shut the lights out and she couldn't see herself! Last night it didn't last too long, but when I woke up at 4:30am and looked to see what time it was, she started again, growl & "half bark"....I said to her just shut-up and lay down...and she did, but not after pacing several times first! As cute as she is, she has been annoying me when it's bedtime!!! She is too cute in the mornings when she gives me those puppy eyes and the look is saying "do we really have to get up?" Those morning snuggles as we are both trying to wake up makes up for all the growling at herself when it's bedtime!!!!
I'm typing this from my ipad and it won't let me upload a picture of Miss Mia, but when I get one my computer next I will upload a picture of my cute little nugget!!!!
I started my job this week, and it has been nothing but boring ole orientation!!! Lord knows I HATE orientation, however at least I know that I am getting paid to sit and listen to the in's and out's about the hospital!!! Tomorrow I get my floor orientation schedule and I'm so ready to take care of patients!!!!!!!
I'm typing this from my ipad and it won't let me upload a picture of Miss Mia, but when I get one my computer next I will upload a picture of my cute little nugget!!!!
I started my job this week, and it has been nothing but boring ole orientation!!! Lord knows I HATE orientation, however at least I know that I am getting paid to sit and listen to the in's and out's about the hospital!!! Tomorrow I get my floor orientation schedule and I'm so ready to take care of patients!!!!!!!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Long weekend....
This weekend was such a long consisted of the move to Denver!!! Tori and I left on Friday afternoon and got here to get my keys to my new home...the car ride consisted of Gia (Tori's yorkie pup) throwing up 3 different was a mess!!!!
Saturday morning started bright and early at 7am with moving all my things into my new apartment with the help of my mom, dad, Tori, Darren, and my friend Jonathan that I met in Philadelphia at my uncle's installation! We were done in record time and at 9:45 we were headed to the furniture store...we seriously spent hours in that store...but I scored a couch, 2 TV's, 4 bar stools, and a sweet lamp!!! I left the lounge chaise that I really wanted at the furniture store, but it doesn't look like I am going to have room for it in my apartment anyway...BOOOOO!!!
My family left this afternoon, and I went back to unpacking and stocking the food supply in the kitchen...and needless to say...I'M EXHAUSTED!!! I just set down about 30 minutes ago to relaxation and little Mia was ready to she is curled up in my lap as we speak!
I start my new job tomorrow with a week of orientation...I'm excited to start!!! I am in desperate need of a paycheck, especially after all my purchases this weekend!!!
As much as I am excited to start my new job, I'm excited for this next weekend as my bestie from KC is flying in for the weekend and we are going to have a blast!!! Can't wait for Karisa to arrive on Friday!!!
Until next time......
Saturday morning started bright and early at 7am with moving all my things into my new apartment with the help of my mom, dad, Tori, Darren, and my friend Jonathan that I met in Philadelphia at my uncle's installation! We were done in record time and at 9:45 we were headed to the furniture store...we seriously spent hours in that store...but I scored a couch, 2 TV's, 4 bar stools, and a sweet lamp!!! I left the lounge chaise that I really wanted at the furniture store, but it doesn't look like I am going to have room for it in my apartment anyway...BOOOOO!!!
My family left this afternoon, and I went back to unpacking and stocking the food supply in the kitchen...and needless to say...I'M EXHAUSTED!!! I just set down about 30 minutes ago to relaxation and little Mia was ready to she is curled up in my lap as we speak!
I start my new job tomorrow with a week of orientation...I'm excited to start!!! I am in desperate need of a paycheck, especially after all my purchases this weekend!!!
As much as I am excited to start my new job, I'm excited for this next weekend as my bestie from KC is flying in for the weekend and we are going to have a blast!!! Can't wait for Karisa to arrive on Friday!!!
Until next time......
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
The move to Denver is quickly approaching!!! I move on Friday to my new apartment and I am excited!!! Pretty soon it's just going to be Mia and me, living in a new city, and beginning our new life!!! I can't wait!!! The fact that I will have a place to call home, a puppy to come home to, a city that is quite exciting, and a new job just makes me want to jump up and down!!! Mom, dad, Tori, & Darren are helping me move and we will go out to Denver on Friday, unload the trailer on Saturday morning, and then shop Saturday afternoon as I need some furniture!!!
I start my new job on Monday, and am more than ready for a pay check!!! So my next update, I will be in Denver and have started me new job!!!!
I start my new job on Monday, and am more than ready for a pay check!!! So my next update, I will be in Denver and have started me new job!!!!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Denver, CO
It's offical....I am moving to Denver, CO to live permanently!!!!! No more of this living out my car, moving every 3 months, making new friends every 3 months, living thousands of miles from my family and close friends! I accepted a job at St. Anthony's hospital and will start Oct. 17th! I just need to get out to Denver soon and look for a place to live & then begin my life in a new city!!! I am excited for this new adventure and to be close to my family! I can't wait to get moved!!!! Say a few prayers for my as I begin this journey and get settled in Denver!!!!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Future Plans....
I know that most of you that follow my blog as awaiting the announce of the location for my next travel nurse assignment, but there is not an assignment in the future for me. I have been busy filling out applications and hurrying up to wait on phone calls from hospitals in Denver, CO for a permanent job. When I first started travel nursing, I told myself that if nothing in my life changed I would travel for 3 years until I was 30, however it has lasted a year and a couple months and I am ready to be done. I have loved every minute of the time that I have spent as a travel nurse, but I am ready to settle down, be in one location, have a place to go to at the end of the day that I call home, and have some stability. Living out of my car and moving every 3 months is getting old, so I have made the decision to settle down!
I have applied to several hospitals in Denver, CO and after waiting 2 weeks and saying a million prayers; I have 3 interviews at 3 different hospitals in the next couple of days. I am excited for this new journey in my life to start. I am hoping to get settled in Denver, start taking some classes, and apply to PA school in the near future! I ask that if you are reading this blog post that you say a few prayers for me and my new journey!!!
I have applied to several hospitals in Denver, CO and after waiting 2 weeks and saying a million prayers; I have 3 interviews at 3 different hospitals in the next couple of days. I am excited for this new journey in my life to start. I am hoping to get settled in Denver, start taking some classes, and apply to PA school in the near future! I ask that if you are reading this blog post that you say a few prayers for me and my new journey!!!
Vacation on the East Coast
After I completed my assignment in Hays, I hit I-70 and headed to KC to jump on a plane to Philadelphia! I met my mom and dad in Philadelphia and together we cabbed it to a hotel in downtown Philly! We were in Philly for my uncle's installation as ArchBishop of Philadelphia! I can't even begin to tell you how proud we are on him! Anyone that understands the issues that are going on in the Archdioease of Philadelphia, know that my uncle will have his hands full, but like the popular saying, "God doesn't give you what you can't handle." He will more than excell in his duties and will make the people of Philadelphia become more connected with catholicism. As a family we are a little saddened that he will be thousands of miles away instead of a 3 hour drive when he lived in Denver, but we are very supportive and can't wait to visit him!
Here are few pictures from the installation:

Here are few pictures from the installation:
My uncle Rex, Aunt Jolene, Mom, Dad, and I at the luncheon held prior to the installtion
Dad, Mom and I outside of the Archdioease of Philadelphia
Cardinal Rigali putting my uncle in the cathedra to make him offically the ArchBishop of Philadelphia
ArchBishop of Philadelphia Charles J. Chaput
Mom, Dad, and I in front of the alter in the Basilica
Mom, me, Aunt Jolene, Uncle Chuck, Dad, and Uncle Rex at a recption for Chuck thrown by the great people of Denver!
After the installtion my family toured around the city of Philadelphia and saw places like the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, St. John Neumann's shrine, and of course we had a Philly cheesesteak sandwich. We had a good time, except for the 2.5 mile walk we made through the not so good part of Philly just to get the the St. John Neumann shrine. Needless to say, I had an upset father who is not a fan of walking long distances anyway!!!
Liberty Bell
Liberty Bell with my Aunt Charlene & Uncle Scott
Clock at Independence Hall
Independence Hall
After all the festivites were over with my uncle, one of the travel nurses that I met in Delaware flew into Philly and we rented a car and drove back to Delaware for a few days! We had a blast hanging out with old friends we met when we were working there. We spent the majority of our time visiting our favorite places we had when were living there such as a Saketumi, a sushi resturant, Dos Locos, a mexican resturant, Rehoboth Beach, the outlet malls, getting a pedicure and manicure, and hanging out at our friends house that we stayed at! We had a great time!!!!
After being on the east coast for a week, I was glad to get home! In the last couple of days, I have moved out of the farm and am back in Oakley in between my sister's house and my parent's house!!! Mostly, I'm just spending time lovin' on my little Mia girl!!!!
One more contract down...
I know that is has been forever since I last posted on the things going on in my life, and it has even been over a week since I finished my contract in Hays, KS. When I first started my contract in Hays, I was less than impressed, and was ready to quit that job within 4 weeks of being there. After having several conversations with my recruiter and the manager at HaysMed, I chose to tough it out and try to get through my contract! Darn my parents for instilling in me that giving up on something is NOT an option! :) After the manager had a staff meeting and addressed some of my concerns, the things that were going on that was making me not like this assignment subsided and I enjoyed the last part of my contract a lot better.
It's hard when someone walks in to the ICU that you have been working in for years; taking your hours and getting paid more, but eventually those girls got over it and started treating me better!
They were nice enough to make pastas, salads, and deserts for my last night there and all we did was eat. They even told me to come back and visit them when I was in the area.
So even though this assignment wasn't my favorite, and I had to deal with some cold shoulders; I learned a lot, had fun being close to my family & friends for the summer, living on the farm and semi-becoming a farm girl, seeing familiar faces around the hospital, and having another contract as a travel nurse under my belt! Now I am going on another journey....keep reading all my updates to find out what I'm up to and where I'm going!!!! :)
It's hard when someone walks in to the ICU that you have been working in for years; taking your hours and getting paid more, but eventually those girls got over it and started treating me better!
They were nice enough to make pastas, salads, and deserts for my last night there and all we did was eat. They even told me to come back and visit them when I was in the area.
So even though this assignment wasn't my favorite, and I had to deal with some cold shoulders; I learned a lot, had fun being close to my family & friends for the summer, living on the farm and semi-becoming a farm girl, seeing familiar faces around the hospital, and having another contract as a travel nurse under my belt! Now I am going on another journey....keep reading all my updates to find out what I'm up to and where I'm going!!!! :)
Little Miss MIA!!
Miss Mia with her sister Gia!!!!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Last night I went to my college sorority house to help the active members with their formal recruitment...let me tell you, they were awesome!!! It was a bittersweet time since I left the house full of heart break and disappointment. When I was a senior the house was less than desireable; we were struggling for membership, we had LOTS of drama, there were girls that weren't so nice, everyone was stretched to the max with holding multiple offices etc...I think you get the point. I was at my wits end and almost quit around Thanksgiving due to all the turmoil that our house was dealing with. I spent all my time at the library with my nursing friends or at my boyfriend's house, I wasn't about to be at the sorority house for any extended period of time. I am sure that part of the turmoil had to do with my attitude about not even wanting to be at the house and a few of the other upper classmen's attitudes who felt the same way.
Since I have graduated, I have warded off any alum groups for the simple fact that I was not a fan of Delta Zeta when I graduated. I didn't want anything to do with it when I was a senior and up to graduation and I wasn't going back to those same I guess you could call me a sour puss!
As I was putting on my Delta Zeta badge yesterday for the first time in 5 yrs. and I was headed back to the house for the first time in 5 yrs., the bad things never crossed my mind...all I was thinking about was the fabulous time I had my previous years, all the leadership experience I got, the friends I have made (who are still my best friends today!), the memories that make me laugh out loud. As I took a house tour, each room brought back a memory or experience that I will forever remember. I got to see our house mom at the time...and she brought back tons of memories...memories of all the good food she made us, the talks we had a dinner time, the times when she was truly our mom away from home giving us advice or just lending a listening ear...and now I get to call her my sorority sister since she joined Delta Zeta recently as an alum.
After watching the active members do their recruitment peices, sing their songs, chant their chants, give house tours, and talk about how much they love Delta Zeta, I began to wish I was back in college and an active member of Delta Zeta again, something I never thought would cross my mind. They are full of Delta Zeta spirit and they truly loved everything they were doing!
Thank you to those girls that showed me that they turned the house around, they showed me that they love Delta Zeta as much as I did my freshman-junior years while in college and they brought that love for Delta Zeta back to life again in my heart!
As soon as I settle into a more steady life style and make my home some place...I am going to join a Delta Zeta Alum group thanks to the girls that are active members in my chapter that showed me Delta Zeta wasn't about the hard times we had as a chapter/friends; it was a about the good times that were made/shared together, it was about the meaning of Delta Zeta, the well-roundedness it makes you as a person, the moments that you still laugh about, the friends you made, and most of all the sisterhood that we all share!
Since I have graduated, I have warded off any alum groups for the simple fact that I was not a fan of Delta Zeta when I graduated. I didn't want anything to do with it when I was a senior and up to graduation and I wasn't going back to those same I guess you could call me a sour puss!
As I was putting on my Delta Zeta badge yesterday for the first time in 5 yrs. and I was headed back to the house for the first time in 5 yrs., the bad things never crossed my mind...all I was thinking about was the fabulous time I had my previous years, all the leadership experience I got, the friends I have made (who are still my best friends today!), the memories that make me laugh out loud. As I took a house tour, each room brought back a memory or experience that I will forever remember. I got to see our house mom at the time...and she brought back tons of memories...memories of all the good food she made us, the talks we had a dinner time, the times when she was truly our mom away from home giving us advice or just lending a listening ear...and now I get to call her my sorority sister since she joined Delta Zeta recently as an alum.
After watching the active members do their recruitment peices, sing their songs, chant their chants, give house tours, and talk about how much they love Delta Zeta, I began to wish I was back in college and an active member of Delta Zeta again, something I never thought would cross my mind. They are full of Delta Zeta spirit and they truly loved everything they were doing!
Thank you to those girls that showed me that they turned the house around, they showed me that they love Delta Zeta as much as I did my freshman-junior years while in college and they brought that love for Delta Zeta back to life again in my heart!
As soon as I settle into a more steady life style and make my home some place...I am going to join a Delta Zeta Alum group thanks to the girls that are active members in my chapter that showed me Delta Zeta wasn't about the hard times we had as a chapter/friends; it was a about the good times that were made/shared together, it was about the meaning of Delta Zeta, the well-roundedness it makes you as a person, the moments that you still laugh about, the friends you made, and most of all the sisterhood that we all share!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
The Final Countdown
When I have 4 weeks left in my contract, I begin the final countdown!! And I am to that point!! I have 4 weeks left, and as I am counting down the days to be done at this hospital, however I am dreading the goodbyes that will come when I leave the farm! Now is the time when my recruiter starts looking for another assignment and the whole process starts over! We are looking in the KC area right now, and I am praying for some time with my closest friends, being a little closer to my older sister so I can go watch my nephew play football, the fall season, Chiefs football, still close to home, ect...after making that list I am more determined to get a job in KC for what could possibly be my last travel assignment.
I posted in a previous blog that my cousin won grand champion bucket calf at the Ellis County fair, well she pulled it off again and won grand champion bucket calf at that Ellis Free Fair. Here is a picture of Anna and Cocoa:
At the end of July several of my best friends from college got together and had a BBQ in Topeka!!! We always have a great time and really enjoy being around each other. Another reason that I am hoping for an assignment in KC for the fall! Here is a picture of some of us that were at the BBQ!
In the last few weeks, I have spent a lot of time in Oakley with my mom, dad, little sister, and brother-in-law...we have been busy!!! My sister and brother-in-law bought a new house and we have been busy moving, cleaning, putting things away, cutting holes in walls, mounting TVs, arranging furniture, and having meltdowns!!! Oh those funny meltdowns...we have had stomping feet, slamming doors, and f-bombs a few times...but a few hours after those meltdowns we laugh about them!!! :) All these things have lead us all to be a little delirious...Saturday night my dad put his foot down and said that we were stopping all this nonsense, going to church, and then going out the country club to drink whiskey...well that is exactly what we did...however some of the things that were said just didn't make sense and were just plain funny! I mouthed off to my dad about something and his comeback was "I'm gonna slap you silly until your shit faced", well that made no sense, but I think we laughed about it until we were blue in the face!
Since my last update, I had a date with my 8 yr. old cousin and we went to The Smurfs was really cute, and I love Neil Patrick Harris so the movie was good before it even started!! Sometimes I wish he wasn't gay...he's such a cutie!!!!
On Saturday, in the midst of moving Tori and Darren; my mom, Tori, and I threw a baby shower for my friend Kendra. This was the first baby shower that I have thrown so I wasn't exactly sure as to what the theme should be, what to make for food, what colors to since Kendra isn't the baby boy blue type of person, I decided to go with a baby forest animal theme and have red, navy, and green as the colors!! I thought it turned out great. My mom was in charge of the cooking and she even tried a few new recipes...and they were a big hit!!!
Well, I think that is about all the updates that I have right now!!! Hopefully the next time that I blog it will be about my next assignement!!! I am praying that it will be!!! I hope that everyone that reads this is doing well and that life is blessing you just as much as it is blessing me and my family!!! Happy new school year to those that are starting school this week, may God bless you with patience to put up with all those children this year!!!
I posted in a previous blog that my cousin won grand champion bucket calf at the Ellis County fair, well she pulled it off again and won grand champion bucket calf at that Ellis Free Fair. Here is a picture of Anna and Cocoa:
At the end of July several of my best friends from college got together and had a BBQ in Topeka!!! We always have a great time and really enjoy being around each other. Another reason that I am hoping for an assignment in KC for the fall! Here is a picture of some of us that were at the BBQ!
In the last few weeks, I have spent a lot of time in Oakley with my mom, dad, little sister, and brother-in-law...we have been busy!!! My sister and brother-in-law bought a new house and we have been busy moving, cleaning, putting things away, cutting holes in walls, mounting TVs, arranging furniture, and having meltdowns!!! Oh those funny meltdowns...we have had stomping feet, slamming doors, and f-bombs a few times...but a few hours after those meltdowns we laugh about them!!! :) All these things have lead us all to be a little delirious...Saturday night my dad put his foot down and said that we were stopping all this nonsense, going to church, and then going out the country club to drink whiskey...well that is exactly what we did...however some of the things that were said just didn't make sense and were just plain funny! I mouthed off to my dad about something and his comeback was "I'm gonna slap you silly until your shit faced", well that made no sense, but I think we laughed about it until we were blue in the face!
Since my last update, I had a date with my 8 yr. old cousin and we went to The Smurfs was really cute, and I love Neil Patrick Harris so the movie was good before it even started!! Sometimes I wish he wasn't gay...he's such a cutie!!!!
On Saturday, in the midst of moving Tori and Darren; my mom, Tori, and I threw a baby shower for my friend Kendra. This was the first baby shower that I have thrown so I wasn't exactly sure as to what the theme should be, what to make for food, what colors to since Kendra isn't the baby boy blue type of person, I decided to go with a baby forest animal theme and have red, navy, and green as the colors!! I thought it turned out great. My mom was in charge of the cooking and she even tried a few new recipes...and they were a big hit!!!
Well, I think that is about all the updates that I have right now!!! Hopefully the next time that I blog it will be about my next assignement!!! I am praying that it will be!!! I hope that everyone that reads this is doing well and that life is blessing you just as much as it is blessing me and my family!!! Happy new school year to those that are starting school this week, may God bless you with patience to put up with all those children this year!!!
Monday, August 8, 2011
Alli vs. Allison
When I was growing up the only time that I was ever called "Allison" was when I was in trouble and most of the time it sounded something like this ALLISON JOOOOOOOO!!!! That was my mother yelling at me!!! Everyone called me "Alli" including my immediate family, my extended family, & my friends. I remember one time telling my mom that "Alli" was stupid and I when I got to chose I was going to go by "Allison" when I got older. But, little did I know back then when I was mad at my mom would it really come true! When I was filling out my college admission paperwork, job applications, & sorority forms as I was a senior in high school it was weird for me to write down "Allison". However, it quickly became the name that I would go by for the coming years. Now, when someone that I don't know calls me "Alli", especially without asking it really bothers me. There are some people that have asked if it was ok...and I'm probably am not going to tell them no, but I don't shorten anyone's name, not even my patient's names without asking first.
When I was in Delaware, I had a patient that pretty much just said what ever he was thinking & there were many times that I would have to tell him to quit talking to his wife the way he was. He was just disrespectful & always had to be right. (Man, I can still picture his face.) One day I was in his room & he asked me a question, and I gave him an answer that he didn't want to hear. Instantly he got defensive, and addressed me by "Alli". I'm pretty sure you know how this story went, but he was immediately told that my name was "Allison", and that yes, there are times that I go by "Alli", but he wasn't allowed to call me "Alli" & I turned around and walked out of the room. He had that open mouth insert foot look on his face & was polite the rest of the day.
Yesterday while at work, I was giving report and a repiratory therapist, who I have never met before addressed me by "Alli". She had to look at my name tag that clearly said "Allison" to see what my name was and she still addressed me by "Alli". I was in a different world and trying to get out of work in time for mass, so I wasn't able to correct her, but had a realized what she said before I answered her question, she too would have gotten the lecture about calling me what my name tag says. I didn't shorten her name from "Jennifer" to "Jenn" when I answered her question, so why is it ok to shorten my name. If she would have asked, I would have told her it was ok to call me "Alli", but I just think it's plain to rude to shorten someone's name when...
a: you don't know the person or just met them
b: you didn't ask if shortening my name is ok
c: I have introduced myself as "Allison"
I just feel like "Alli" is from back when I was younger and people that knew me then are more than welcome to call me "Alli". My entire family & most of my childhood friends still calls me "Alli", and that is most definitely ok, I even have a few college friends that call me "Alli", but these people know me on different level than one of my peers/patients that has never seen/meet me before. They know a lot about me & know me on a personal level. Other people that call me "Allison" know me on a personal level as well, but when I first met those people I introduced myself as "Allison", so that is all they know me by. I kind of feel like I am on my soap box, but this is a huge pet peeve of mine and drives me crazy!
When I was in Delaware, I had a patient that pretty much just said what ever he was thinking & there were many times that I would have to tell him to quit talking to his wife the way he was. He was just disrespectful & always had to be right. (Man, I can still picture his face.) One day I was in his room & he asked me a question, and I gave him an answer that he didn't want to hear. Instantly he got defensive, and addressed me by "Alli". I'm pretty sure you know how this story went, but he was immediately told that my name was "Allison", and that yes, there are times that I go by "Alli", but he wasn't allowed to call me "Alli" & I turned around and walked out of the room. He had that open mouth insert foot look on his face & was polite the rest of the day.
Yesterday while at work, I was giving report and a repiratory therapist, who I have never met before addressed me by "Alli". She had to look at my name tag that clearly said "Allison" to see what my name was and she still addressed me by "Alli". I was in a different world and trying to get out of work in time for mass, so I wasn't able to correct her, but had a realized what she said before I answered her question, she too would have gotten the lecture about calling me what my name tag says. I didn't shorten her name from "Jennifer" to "Jenn" when I answered her question, so why is it ok to shorten my name. If she would have asked, I would have told her it was ok to call me "Alli", but I just think it's plain to rude to shorten someone's name when...
a: you don't know the person or just met them
b: you didn't ask if shortening my name is ok
c: I have introduced myself as "Allison"
I just feel like "Alli" is from back when I was younger and people that knew me then are more than welcome to call me "Alli". My entire family & most of my childhood friends still calls me "Alli", and that is most definitely ok, I even have a few college friends that call me "Alli", but these people know me on different level than one of my peers/patients that has never seen/meet me before. They know a lot about me & know me on a personal level. Other people that call me "Allison" know me on a personal level as well, but when I first met those people I introduced myself as "Allison", so that is all they know me by. I kind of feel like I am on my soap box, but this is a huge pet peeve of mine and drives me crazy!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
I'm famous...AGAIN!!!
Well, Medical Solutions has done it again!!! As I clicked on Facebook today the first thing on my news feed was my own face as the FEATURED TRAVELER OF THE MONTH for my company!!!
My recruiter called today, and we are keeping our eyes peeled for the next perfect job to begin in the middle of Sept. I ask for prayers, as I really want to be in Kansas City for the next 3 months!!! After this week, I only have 4 more weeks left in Hays, KS and it has been a different experience then I have had as a traveler!! Although, I love being able to just jump in car and an hour later I am in my hometown enjoying my family!!!
I can't believe that summer is almost over!!! However, I am ready for cooler weather...FALL, WHERE ARE YOU??? Have I mentioned that I am counting down the days until the NFL season starts...10 more days until the kick off of preseason!!! GO CHIEFS!!!!
My recruiter called today, and we are keeping our eyes peeled for the next perfect job to begin in the middle of Sept. I ask for prayers, as I really want to be in Kansas City for the next 3 months!!! After this week, I only have 4 more weeks left in Hays, KS and it has been a different experience then I have had as a traveler!! Although, I love being able to just jump in car and an hour later I am in my hometown enjoying my family!!!
I can't believe that summer is almost over!!! However, I am ready for cooler weather...FALL, WHERE ARE YOU??? Have I mentioned that I am counting down the days until the NFL season starts...10 more days until the kick off of preseason!!! GO CHIEFS!!!!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Bullet Points...'s been a long time since I have updated!!! The summer seems to have flown by...and I wish time would slow down, but I'm enjoying every last bit of it!!! There has been a lot going I'm going to hit the highlights with bulletpoints to spare you from run-on sentences!!!
* I have about 6 weeks left of my contract, so I am half way there!!! Boy, am I ready for this contract to end!! I love spending time with my family & friends, but this job is less than perfect! Let's just leave it at that!
* I have a new best friend: my 8 yr. old cousin!!! She is my shadow on my days off that I stay at the farm and she is always sitting right next to me telling me every detail of every day that I haven't spent with her!! The other day I laid my head in her lap while it was story telling time and I got an hour and a half head rub...let me tell you...I WAS IN HEAVEN!!!!
* After a 2 month break, I have taken up my running again. I quickly reminded myself that I will never take 2 months off again. It is no fun getting back into shape! However, I have a new doggie friend that runs with me every day and we have quite the adventures!! Almost getting ran over, chasing pheasants & deer, & avoiding snakes are just a few!
* I attended the Ellis County Fair where my cousin won Grand Champion bucket calf!!! I got a play by play from my aunt on the steer and hefer shows as I had NO idea what was going on!!! It was interesting and I learned a lot that night!
* I referred someone to my company and she signed a contract with my fabulous recruiter and became a travel nurse!!! So excited that I was able to help both the nurse and my company out with a new adventure!!
* I went to KC last weekend to baby Easton's 1st birthday!!! She is soooo cute!! It was great to catch up with my friends while there too!!! I always have a blast when I am with them...and I found out that Midwest sushi is good too!!!
* There are some days that we have the white leg show around the farm!! Sometimes they just sneak up and blind you so fast you don't know what hit you!! I am talking about my uncles white legs!!!! You can't tell where his sock starts or ends! He is headed to Vegas next week, so if you are going to be there...BE AWARE, you might wanna put on two pairs of sunglasses if you cross his path!!! HAHAHA!!! Since I know he is going to read this...Pat, I just had too!!!!
* Some exciting family news is that my uncle was appointed ArchBishop of Philadelphia last week!!! So, I am busy planning a trip to Philly in Sept. with my family!!! I can't wait for his installation and some time with my family!!! Hopefully there will be a trip to Rome next summer when he goes to get his pellium from the Pope!!!
* I'm planning my first baby shower...and after several bridal showers this one is definiately different. However, I'm loving every minute of it!! It is bittersweet because I planned/hosted Kendra's bridal shower a couple years ago and now it's time for her baby shower!!! I love planning parties!!!
Well...that about sums up the highlight of my last month or so since I last updated!!! I am still looking forward to the birth of my neice or nephew in January...I actually can't wait!!! I would love to hear updates from my fellow bloggers...hint hint, Jenna Lechner!!!
* I have about 6 weeks left of my contract, so I am half way there!!! Boy, am I ready for this contract to end!! I love spending time with my family & friends, but this job is less than perfect! Let's just leave it at that!
* I have a new best friend: my 8 yr. old cousin!!! She is my shadow on my days off that I stay at the farm and she is always sitting right next to me telling me every detail of every day that I haven't spent with her!! The other day I laid my head in her lap while it was story telling time and I got an hour and a half head rub...let me tell you...I WAS IN HEAVEN!!!!
* After a 2 month break, I have taken up my running again. I quickly reminded myself that I will never take 2 months off again. It is no fun getting back into shape! However, I have a new doggie friend that runs with me every day and we have quite the adventures!! Almost getting ran over, chasing pheasants & deer, & avoiding snakes are just a few!
* I attended the Ellis County Fair where my cousin won Grand Champion bucket calf!!! I got a play by play from my aunt on the steer and hefer shows as I had NO idea what was going on!!! It was interesting and I learned a lot that night!
* I referred someone to my company and she signed a contract with my fabulous recruiter and became a travel nurse!!! So excited that I was able to help both the nurse and my company out with a new adventure!!
* I went to KC last weekend to baby Easton's 1st birthday!!! She is soooo cute!! It was great to catch up with my friends while there too!!! I always have a blast when I am with them...and I found out that Midwest sushi is good too!!!
* There are some days that we have the white leg show around the farm!! Sometimes they just sneak up and blind you so fast you don't know what hit you!! I am talking about my uncles white legs!!!! You can't tell where his sock starts or ends! He is headed to Vegas next week, so if you are going to be there...BE AWARE, you might wanna put on two pairs of sunglasses if you cross his path!!! HAHAHA!!! Since I know he is going to read this...Pat, I just had too!!!!
* Some exciting family news is that my uncle was appointed ArchBishop of Philadelphia last week!!! So, I am busy planning a trip to Philly in Sept. with my family!!! I can't wait for his installation and some time with my family!!! Hopefully there will be a trip to Rome next summer when he goes to get his pellium from the Pope!!!
* I'm planning my first baby shower...and after several bridal showers this one is definiately different. However, I'm loving every minute of it!! It is bittersweet because I planned/hosted Kendra's bridal shower a couple years ago and now it's time for her baby shower!!! I love planning parties!!!
Well...that about sums up the highlight of my last month or so since I last updated!!! I am still looking forward to the birth of my neice or nephew in January...I actually can't wait!!! I would love to hear updates from my fellow bloggers...hint hint, Jenna Lechner!!!
Friday, July 8, 2011
It's just a few days shy of being one year when I first annouced my first travel assignment in Corpus Christi, TX. Since then, I have experience so many new things, meet many new people, driven countless miles, and had the time of my life!!! I can't imagine my career without the experience of being a travel nurse! I can't begin to tell you how happy I am that I stepped out on a limb and took this chance at life!! I wouldn't have gotten through it without my family, friends, and fabulous recruiter! All of whom have kept me sane, made me laugh, listened to my "can you believe this hospital does this?" moments, and just sat on the other end of the phone while I just needed that sense of someone who cares when I'm lonely! I am excited to continue this career and see where is takes me! There is always those thoughts of not having a place to call "home", not being in a central location, missing my family and friends that have made me think about quitting this traveling business, however I am trying to make some life decisions, and in those I see at least one more, if not two more assignments in my future. We'll see what life, love, and the future bring me in the next few months before I make any big decisions!!!
Saturday, June 25, 2011
I'm surviving...
I have survived the first two weeks of my contract in Hays!! Orientation was like it always is...and I'm beginning to hate that I have to go through orientation every 3 months!!! This last week I was on the floor learning the in's and out's of a rural/tertiary hospital...let me tell you that is a little different than the big hospitals that I have worked in!! I was on floor orientation for two days and then they wasted no time to float me the first day on the floor by myself...but I guess someone's gotta do it!! All in all, it's going great and it felt so good to get my first pay check yesterday in 3 weeks!!!
I have also survived my first 2 weeks as a farm girl!! I have offically moved in and taken over my aunt and uncle's upstairs of their house and their DVR!!! I would have to say that majority of the shows that are now being recorded are mine!!! My aunt has not failed at keeping me nice 'n plump!!! She has made the most delicious food and she even makes it for me before I head to work! I love bragging that I got my aunt's famous cheese dip for supper one night, my little sister can't stand that I got it for supper and it's not just a special event cheese dip!!! After talking to my sister about my stay there, she has determined that my aunt takes better care of me than my mom!!! I have also, been exposed to walking a 4-H bucket calf, going on runs/walks along country roads and seeing all sorts of wild life, toad hunting with my 8 yr. old cousin, having a dog that loves to lick my toes, and becoming closer to this part of my family!!! I am sure that the next 11 weeks will be even better and I will be exposed to far more farm life than I ever thought I would in my entire life!!!
I have also survived my first 2 weeks as a farm girl!! I have offically moved in and taken over my aunt and uncle's upstairs of their house and their DVR!!! I would have to say that majority of the shows that are now being recorded are mine!!! My aunt has not failed at keeping me nice 'n plump!!! She has made the most delicious food and she even makes it for me before I head to work! I love bragging that I got my aunt's famous cheese dip for supper one night, my little sister can't stand that I got it for supper and it's not just a special event cheese dip!!! After talking to my sister about my stay there, she has determined that my aunt takes better care of me than my mom!!! I have also, been exposed to walking a 4-H bucket calf, going on runs/walks along country roads and seeing all sorts of wild life, toad hunting with my 8 yr. old cousin, having a dog that loves to lick my toes, and becoming closer to this part of my family!!! I am sure that the next 11 weeks will be even better and I will be exposed to far more farm life than I ever thought I would in my entire life!!!
Our family grew by one more person on June 11th, so now we are a family of 8!!! Tori (my baby sister) got married to her high school sweetheart!!! The day was just perfect!!! As we all look back and discuss the wedding day, and beyond all of the we should have done this and should have done that's, this day was a magical day with great meaning!! It is a day that our family will always remember, every year that comes around when we are preparing a card or gift for Tori and Darren's anniversary! Of course, like I predicted I shed a few tears during my maid of honor toast, but in the end the night ended in complete fun!!! Here are a few more pictures of the big day!!
The only mishap we had on the wedding day was that the limo broke down after we got to Colby and were taking outside pictures!!! When the ushers got out of the limo and started rocking it like they were going to push it, I was immediately on the phone with my dad!!! A few short moments later, here came a caravan of wedding guests in their cars to pick up all 20 of us that were on the limo! It isn't wedding day without at least one mishap, thankfully it was only the limo and we weren't on the highway!! Now that I have gained another new brother, life seems to be more than perfect!! Darren is a fabulous new addition to our family and is much loved...sometimes I wonder if my mom loves him more than she does me!! :) I can't wait to watch these two lovebirds grow in their relationship and expand our family even more!
The only mishap we had on the wedding day was that the limo broke down after we got to Colby and were taking outside pictures!!! When the ushers got out of the limo and started rocking it like they were going to push it, I was immediately on the phone with my dad!!! A few short moments later, here came a caravan of wedding guests in their cars to pick up all 20 of us that were on the limo! It isn't wedding day without at least one mishap, thankfully it was only the limo and we weren't on the highway!! Now that I have gained another new brother, life seems to be more than perfect!! Darren is a fabulous new addition to our family and is much loved...sometimes I wonder if my mom loves him more than she does me!! :) I can't wait to watch these two lovebirds grow in their relationship and expand our family even more!
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