
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 Bucket List

As I look at what I want to accomplish in 2014, I am a little overwhelmed, but I know from 2013 that if I put my mind to something, I will succeed…time and time again!  So, here are the things that I want to accomplish in 2014!  To me, it's a bucket list…those resolutions…well they fail…all.the.time!  People start them, and they never finish…ever!  So, by calling it a bucket list…I am hoping that I will be able to avoid the disappointment in February! 

Finish my first year of graduate school with a 4.0…this is a HUGE goal for me because school DOES NOT come easy for me!  I will be working my ass off to accomplish this bullet point…but I know that if I put my mind to it and work hard, I will be able to do it!!!

Read the bible!  Reading the bible is something that I have always wanted to do.  I have a bible app on my iPad that has a program to read the bible in 365 days…starting today I am going to read the bible in a course of a year!  

Run 500-1000 miles…I haven't shared with most of you that I now have a running coach!  I am just about to finish my first 8 weeks with him.  I am loving it, and I wanted to make a goal of how many miles I will run because last year I never thought it was possible to run 13.1 miles and I accomplished!  Running is something that I have learned to love…it has become my therapy and something that I make time for!

Cycle 1000 miles…my love for cycling is still there, it has just been overtaken by my running!  I want to spend more time on my saddle this year…especially since I got a bike carrier for my new car…and I was secretly more excited about the carrier than my car! 

Continue my budget,..I started a budget in November…and it's been hard!  December didn't go so well, but I am determined to start this year off on a budget and stay on one until I get somethings paid off!  

Eat healthier…I do really well for a while, and then I binge on bad food.  It takes me a while to get back on the healthy eating kick again!  So, I am starting January 7th with a 10 day Advocare cleanse…in hopes that it'll kick off some healthy eating that will continue forever!!! 

Pay it forward once a month…I read about my fellow bloggers paying it forward…and I get a little jealous that they are being so generous to strangers!  I can't wait to pay it forward to someone that may not expect it!  Putting a smile on someone's face is going to be the greatest reward!

There you have it…my bucket list for 2014!  Here's to having a successful 2014!  I can't wait to see what this year will bring me!  I am excited to start and get the most out of this year!

What I learned in 2013...

I've learned….
…that I am strong…much stronger than I ever thought I was.
…that when you put your mind to something and don't give up, you will surprise yourself in the best   way possible.
…that one's heart will always have enough room for the love of a nephew.
…that the feeling on holding your 3 day old nephew is the best feeling in the world.
…that running 13.1 miles will make you feel like a beast.
…that friend's will make sacrifices to support you while you are running those 13.1 miles…like getting         out of bed at 0500 to run up and down the half marathon course just so that you have the motivation to finish.
…that spending time with the people that you love most will never get old.  In fact, as I get older I live for spending quality time with them.
…that no matter how hard it is to tell a friend the hardest truth to save them from continuing to be miserable, just say it…in the end it'll be the best for both of you.
…that I will eventually love buying running shoes…Brooks, you are the!
…that hard work pays off…and eventually you will reap reward for it.
…that cycling 100 miles in one day is hard…but oh so worth it!
…that Denver has given me a new love for life…this city is amazing!
…that forgiveness is hard, but in the end is a weight lifted off your shoulder when you finally realize that it's not worth holding the grudge.
…that some people just aren't who you thought they were.
…that being 30 has already been the best year I have lived and I'm only 2 months in!
…that the person you thought would never turn their back on you, will…and it's hard, you will shed a tear, your heart will be angry, you will long to have their friendship, but you only wish them the best in the end no matter how disappointed you are.
…that my little sister is the best friend I can have…how did I get so lucky to have a sister like her!  We didn't get to chose each other for a sister, but we have chosen to be the best of friends!
…that I am not the best blogger out there…I long to be like my blogging friends, but something just take the back burner to more important things in life.  I'm trying…
…that going back to school will give me emotions that I haven't felt in a long time…oh the anxiety of starting in 7 days!
…that my career is blossoming…and hard work pays off!
…that Delta Zeta is what is promised to be…it has crossed my path with many amazing women!
…that I will get a running coach because I long to be fast!
…that you will continue to miss some people that left this world for a better one in heaven, and each year that passes you long to share your current life with them!
…that cable is a money trap…cancel that shit!!!
…that my love for a 4 lb. yorkie is the best love of all time!  And the love she gives back…well there is nothing comparable!
…that sticking by your favorite NFL team will pay off…going from the worst team to the playoffs!  GO CHIEFS!!!
…that life is not complete without a cruiser to pedal around with your pals!
…that taking a girl's trip is a necessity…like every year necessity!
…that certain people will come into you life for a reason.
…and that no matter what, trying to the best version of yourself is hard work, but totally worth it!

Here's to being an even better person, friend, sister, daughter, nurse, and Catholic in 2014!!!