
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Liebster Award

I was nominated for the Liebster Award by Kay at Best Intentions.  The Liebster Award is for bloggers with under 200 followers to, I guess get to know the blogger! 

There are rules for this apparently..
  1. The nominee must list 11 facts about themselves
  2. The nominee must answer the 11 questions asked by the nominator
  3. The nominee must nominate 11 other bloggers with less than 200 followers
So here we go..

Facts about Allison:

1. I had a huge gap between my two front teeth when I was a child and spent about 4 years wearing braces.

2. I love owls.

3.  I went to Rome this summer and was about 20 ft. from Pope Benedict

4.  I have only lived in Denver for a year and a half and I don't ever plan to leave!  I love this place!

5.  My grandma taught me to crochet 6 months before she died and I still crochet.  I never want to lose the skill because I have fond memories of my grandma sitting in her chair with her poodle beside her whipping out afghans.

6. I am addicted to Bold and the Beautiful! Currently I am really disliking Hope!!!

7.  When I use a pen for the first time, I have to use the same pen until the ink is out.  I will dig through my work bag until I find the pen that I used the last time I was at work, before I use the one that it sitting on top.

8.  I loved going deer and coyote hunting with my grandpa and dad when I was a little girl!

9.  I only sleep on one side of the bed and I don't roll around.  I don't even take the decorative pillows off the other side.

10.  I am the New Member Education advisor for the Rho chapter of Delta Zeta.

11.  I am particular with my shampoo and conditioner...2 pumps out of each every time I wash my hair because they have to have the same about in the bottles at all times! I pick the bottles up every day to make sure they feel the same weight!

Questions from Kay:

  1.  What was the first blog you started reading?  Mama Laughlin, she is so inspiring!!!  Her blog is the first on that I have ever read from start to end!  It took me a while, but I was so inspired by her!!
  2. If you were another person, why would you be friends with you? There are times that I would not be friends with myself...but I think that everyone has those moments!!!  Sometimes I have to sit down with myself and tell myself that I am not being the person I want to be.  But, I would be friends with me because I am easy going, dedicated, and I love life! 
  3. What's the story behind your name?  I did a blog about this...check it out {HERE}
  4. If you had an unlimited budget and could travel anywhere for 1 week, where would you go? Australia
  5. Do you have a special talent? I mentioned this in the facts about me above...but I would have to say crocheting!
  6. What is your favorite TV show? How I Meet your Mother!!!  Gotta love Barney!! I'm also addicted to reality TV!!!
  7. Most embarrassing moment?  I would have to say the time when a little toot escaped my behind when I was in a patient's room at was silent, but oh so smelly and the patient was mortified that it slipped out of her...and well, I let her believe it!  I was NOT owning up to that one!!!  {Insert red face here!!!!!}
  8. What's hidden under you bed?  Probably a dog bone or 10...Mia hides under there when I am in the shower...but I don't store anything under my bed! 
  9. Describe the last dream you remember having. Gosh, I really don't recall any dreams at the moment!
  10. What is the next planned event you're looking forward to?  My baby sister's baby shower this weekend and a 5 day trip the mountains with an old college friend next week!
  11. What is the kindest thing anyone has ever done for you?  I would have to say the things that I do at work on a daily me it's just my job, but if the roles were reversed and I was the patient or family member, I would say that the things a nurse does are very kind...even if it is wiping a poopy butt!!!!  {That should be the kindest thing I have ever done :)} 
My Nominations:

Questions for the Nominees:

1.  What is your favorite childhood memory?
2.  What are you most proud of in your life?
3.  What is your favorite holiday?
4.  How are the clothes in your closest organized?
5.  Why did you start your blog?
6.  What was your favorite performance on the Grammy's? {Mine was Maroon 5 and Alicia Keyes, I watched it more than I want to admit!}
7.  What kind of laundry detergent do you use?
8.  What did you think about Beyonce's Super Bowl performance?
9.  What is your favorite meal to make?
10.  What is your biggest pet peeve?
11.  What is your favorite app on your phone?


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