
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

What's in my name?

Today, I am linking up with Amanda at My Very Own Modern Family for What's in the name?.  A link-up to describe why you were named what you were, and how you chose the names of your children, pets, etc....

My parents chose Allison Jo for me 29 years ago and I have to say that I love my name.  I always remember my mom always saying that her dad told her to name your children a name they can live with when they are adults.  I was named Allison after my mom's mother Alice!  I have to say that I am proud to be named after my grandma who is the winner of the Best Grandma Around...Hands Down!  {we made sweatshirts for my grandma and grandpa one Christmas with our handprints on them and that saying} Jo came from my dad's father who's name was Joseph...he passed away in 1979, 4 years before I was born.  My mom swore that she knew I was going to be a boy, so my name was Joseph, but I came out a girl!  However, I still get to claim the Jo name of my grandpa that I never knew.

Since I don't have children, but I do have an adorable little dog I will tell you how I got her name!  I got Mia the same day that my little sister got her dog.  In fact, our dogs are sisters!  {And they love each other!}  Mia is a yorkie and was the runt of the 3 puppy litter weighing in at 1.1 pound when I picked her up.  For, a couple days prior to getting our dogs my sister and I were trying to come up with names and she wanted the names to go together!  I wanted Dolce, but she didn't like Gabana, I wanted Mille & Tillie, but she didn't want Millie, and then I came up with Mia & Gia.  As we were driving home the puppies were in my lap and she looked over at them and said, "Oh, the smaller one looks like a little Mia."  {I wanted to name her Gia!!!} I shot back with, "Why, because you want Gia?" And I got this sly little grin from my sister.  But, she was right!  Mia fits her to a tee and Gia fits her dog!

Miss Mia could be in a salmon commercial right?????

Mia & Gia


  1. Aw, Mia is such a cutie!

    Found you through Amanda's link-up and I'm becoming a new follower. I realized that almost everyone I follow has kids and I really need to start making friends with other "pre-moms". ;-)

    1. Thanks Kate!!! I sure love that little dog!!!
      Thanks for following my blog...I have started to follow you and can't wait to read it and find out more about you!!! Here's to pre-mom friends!!!! :)

  2. Your newest follower!
    How adorable is she?! Gah! Too much.
    I used to live in KC. Miss it SO MUCH! And, I see you're a runner. YAY! Ever participated in any Mud Runs? Such fun!!
    Would love you to swing by
    for a return follow!
