I have been fighting a horrible cold for a week and many days....it's awful!!
I am actually on the mend now, but there have been days that I would have liked to poke a pin in my sinuses and I knew they would've exploded.
The copious amounts of snot was ridiculous, I used boxes and boxes of kleenex, taken the world supply in DayQuil and NyQuil, drank the amount of the Indian Ocean in Emergen-C and Airborne, and I haven't ran in over a week....
I'm dying...
...dying to run
...dying to quit coughing
...dying to quit sniffling.
Oh, and I'm poor after all the meds I have bought!
One of my friends told me about the Neti pot, but I have always been afraid to use one because I was afraid that it would hurt.
But, after having a head full of snot for a week, I decided to give it a whirl.
And I love it!
The amount of snot that poured out of my nose was unreal, and it didn't hurt at all. It was amazing!
And I look just like this when I do it!!!
Since I have had a cold and haven't been able to run, I have been able to catch up on my DVR!
New shows started this week, and I love Fall premieres!!!
It's no secret that I love reality TV, in fact my DVR smokes at times!
Here's to getting back to running this week! I sure hope so anyway!!!
I never in my life thought that I would miss running...it truly is therapy for me!
It's my happiness!!!
I got these photos from my sister this weekend...
Hudson loves Cars...in fact I think that Lighting McQueen is his best friend...
I made him this stocking hat, and when I gave it to him, he was less that impressed...
In fact, I would put it on him and he would rip it off....
Now, he asks for it everyday, and even wore it to eat supper one night this weekend!
Gosh, I love that little boy!!!
The Chiefs were the highlight of my weekend with a record of 4-0!
I am so excited I can hardly stand it!!!
It's times like this in Chief football that I wished I lived back in KC...I would be at Arrowhead stadium EVERY Sunday!!!
As every blog that I stalk follow writes letters to their "future" children, I have decided to discuss the single life that I have.
Single...when I think of that word I used to think it was the most lonely word in the world.
I have dated people, but I am not a serial dater.
I'm not that girl that has to have a boyfriend.
Is it nice to have a companion...sure it is...
But as I have gotten over the last horrible relationship I was in, and dated some men here and there, I have been loving my life in the single zone.
I, no longer look at the word single as so lonely.
I love my single life!
I love it so much that dating is not up there in the things on my list to do.
Yes, I date, but I do not base my life, plans, or hopes on it.
Many times I go on dates with duds...
Duds that can't even form a sentence, much less a conversation.
Gah, there is nothing more annoying then having to pull info from these men that just don't know what the hell they are doing.
Single life for me is amazing...
I have the time to do what I want, when I want it, and how I want it.
If I want to sit on my couch naked watching brainless reality TV with an over-filled glass of vino, I don't have to explain it to anyone.
Well, except for the people that accidentally see me walking through my apartment because I forgot to close the blinds...sorry about that one!
I have the greatest friends ever that love to indulge in my crazy ass ideas like hiking a 14er, spending all day downtown at a music fest not remembering how we got home, wrecking our cruisers, or gathering at each others house drinking 6 bottles of wine celebrating our friendship...
Most of the time this is all done without the presence of men...
Many times we cuss and discuss this crazy creature that God created for us to love...
We laugh...
We get angry...
We get fed up...
We vow to never date again...but, we always do...
I hold my girlfriends close!
Yes, both of my sister's are married and I always hear "Well, when are you going to get married?"
Most of the time I would like to respond..."Well, you idiot, there isn't a damn man out there that is worthy to have this package."
But, I refrain...
Seriously...what kind of freaking question is that???
As much as I would like to pull me hair out when I get asked this question...I usually respond politely with some kind of fake laugh.
Is that polite...probably not, but it's all I can do!
Bottom line is...
I have come to terms with the fact that it's hard to give someone else love if you don't love yourself.
For a while, I wasn't sure that I was worthy to get married...
I didn't know that I had many great qualities that lots of men would love to have in their partner.
When I go through my qualities, I know that I have good ones...and bad ones...
Some are hard to find...
Some are worn on my shoulder...
Some are amazing...
Some I wish I didn't have...
But, they all make me who I am.
And I love them all...
So, while I find myself sitting on the couch by myself some nights while others are in the presence of their significant other or children...I am happy.
I have my expectations of what I want...
I am picky...
This weekend was full of family time and anyone that knows me, knows that I love my family time! I headed to Oakley last Thursday so that I could be there Friday morning, bright and early to watch my 6 month old nephew Owen! He is such a doll....I can't get enough of his cute little smile and giggle! We had a great day!
I made this puppy hat for Owen!! It was too cute on his little head!
Just love that smile!
Friday afternoon we loaded up the car and drove to KC for the rest of the weekend! I meet with 3 of my sorority sisters for brunch Saturday morning...we always have a great time, conversation, and laughs! We really did reminisce this time...it was a blast going back to our college days! I was then off to a baby shower for my cousin's wife...it was great to see more family and spend the afternoon with them! Of, Lindsay was showered with many wonderful gifts!
My family attended church and then we were off to Stroud's for dinner...this place is fabulous! They serve fried chicken and all the trimmings family style! I am pretty sure that all of us were close to being rolled outta there!!!
Jera and Owen
Nana and Hudson
Nick and me!
Darren and Hudson getting a little too close to the swan.
Hudson and Owen
Mom and me!
Sunday we all got up bright and early and headed to Arrowhead stadium to watch the Chiefs beat the Cowboys!! There is never a dull moment when tailgating at Arrowhead! We had a blast! My parents have made friends with people that sit around them and they put on quite the tailgating party! Both of my sister's and their kids were there...so it was a great time!
Family! Love these guys with everything I have! :)
I haven't written an update on my second half marathon training since I was on week 3 of training...I am not on week 8...it's hard to believe that I am already in the 2nd month of training!!
Week 7 was a great week!! I can't believe I am already up to running 7 miles...it didn't seem to go this fast the last half marathon I ran! I was in my hometown Friday and had to get up at 5:40 am to get my 7 miles in as I had to run before watching my nephew that day. I ran the whole 7 miles in the ran...I was soaked! It was a great run to say the least! I actually had pretty good time and I felt great the whole time!!!
All in all the training is going well...and I am looking forward to the race. It'll be a good one...and hopefully will have a hell of an after party!!!
20 things NO one tells you about running
1. Your feet will look like crap. Blisters, black toenails, callouses. If you get pedicures, just apologize when you go in.
2. When people (non-runner types) learn you are a runner, they often like to tell you hoe much they hate running or that running will ruin your knees.
3. You don't have to look like a runner to be a runner.
4. If you only run and don't so anything else (cross train, strength train), you will probably get injured.
5. Most people, especially non-runners, really don't care that much about your running.
6. You will run a race and in the middle of the race you will tell yourself you will never do this again. Yet, 30 minutes after you are done you will surf the internet for your next race. Running is kind of like childbirth that way.
7. You will go through phases where you feel totally inadequate as a runner.
8. You will go through phases where you feel totally like a rock star as a runner.
9. You might gain weight instead of lose weight while training for a marathon.
10. Having a spare pair of shorts in your car in important. Soiling of all kinds can happen. EWWW!!
11. You will be pissed if someone refers to you as a "jogger" instead of a "runner".
12. Sometimes other runner won't always say "hi" to you when you run by them.
13. You might pee yourself while you run, or worse.
14. Running is expensive. It's not just about a pair of shoes and shorts and a top. There are race entries, massages, watches, sports bras, cute running skirts, gels, blocks, and recovery stuff.
15. You will get addicted. Yes, there are worse things to be obsessed about than running (like meth and prostitutes), but you might be surprised by how hooked you get into the whole running thing once you start.
16. After awhile, you cannot get the stench out of your running clothes.
17. You will never be the fastest runner you know. You will always never be the slowest runner you know.
18. Farts happen. A lot.
19. Running performance is as much, if not more, about mental strength as you physical strength.
20. You will never forget crossing the finish line of your first marathon or half marathon. That moment in time will come to mean a lot to you. Your feet might not even touch the ground!
My sweet fellow blogger Desiree at Macke Monologues nominated me for the Sunshine award.
I love Desiree's posts, she has the cutest little boy, is a great runner that I am aspiring to be, and has the prettiest hair!
I am a little late posting on the award but, better late than never!
Here are the questions:
1. Best way to spend a cool, rainy, Sunday afternoon?
I love cool rainy Sunday afternoon cuddled up on the couch with my favorite blanket, my 4-legged baby Mia, football on the TV, sipping on piping hot spiced tea with the aroma of a fall scented candle burning!
Who wouldn't want to snuggle with this face all day long??
2. If you could meet one person (must be living) who would it be?
I would love to meet Ellen! I love her!! Her show lights up my life and even if I just have it on for background sound while cleaning, cooking or whatever, I find myself laughing at her all the time!!! And her books are hilarious!
3. You have $5,000 to donate to charity, which charity would it be?
I would donate my money to Catholic Charities. They have many programs that help out many people. Some of their programs are adoption, disaster operations, family strengthening, housing counseling, social issues awareness, and volunteer recognition.
4. You've won the jackpot, what would be the first thing you buy?
A house...I am desperate to get out of the apartment living!! Hopefully within a year, I will be a home owner!!!
5. Who is a person who inspires you?
A person that inspires me is my uncle. He is the Arch Bishop of Philadelphia and I look up to him so much. I was raised Catholic and continue to have strong faith. However, when there is a time when I am not sure how to stand up for my beliefs I think about my uncle and the stands he has taken to live by his Catholic faith 100% of the time!!! It definitely makes me stop and think about how I am going to live by my faith!
6. Favorite thing to do to relax and unwind?
Sit on the couch, catch up on the DVR, drink a cup of coffee, and not have a worry in the world!!! I love relaxing mornings that don't require much of me!
7. Your dream vacation destination?
Maldives!!! I would love to go there! Staying in one of those huts that are free standing in the water would be auh-maze balls!!!
Who wouldn't want to go there??
8. Indulge, what's your favorite dessert?
My grandma's dutch apple pie...all the way!!! It's amazing...wish she was able to still make it!
9. What is the number one thing on your bucket list?
Go skydiving...even thought I am scared shitless!!! But seriously awesome would it be to skydive in Colorado in the fall...it would be like a water painting!!!
10. You're granted one wish, anything at all, what is your wish?
One wish...hmmm. I would have to say to win the lottery...I would donate my money, give some to my sister's and parents...and still have plenty of cash for the things I want...but giving it to people that need it and have been my rock are first!
With the recents flooding in Colorado, it's been quite a somber time. With the death toll at 7 and hundreds still missing...it's a sad time. Most of the mudslides, rescues, and 21 inches of rain fell north of Denver in Boulder and Fort Collins areas.
Denver still got a lot of rain...I was leaving town last Thursday to head to KS for a family weekend, and it took me 1 hour to drive about 5 miles on I-70 due to lanes closures because the interstate was under water.
I can not imagine what the people effected by the floods are going through, but I have been praying day in and day out for those people. The pictures of the effects of the rain are awful, so I can only imagine living it. I am thanking God that I am safe and have a place to sleep at night because many people do not.
As you look through the following pictures, say a few prayers tonight as you lay your head down for...
The people that are still missing...
The people that have died...
The people that can't get a hold of their loved ones...
The red cross....
The rescuers...
And peace...peace for everyone's heart.
Blogtember: Describe a distinct moment when your life took a turn.
I am skipping a few days on Blogtember...mostly because I am so far behind...
I, for sure wanted to do this topic because I have thought about this moment a lot the last few months.
A lot because I am truly happy...
It's not a time in my life that I was happy or smiled every day, but it's a time that turned my life around.
It was the moment when you realize that you are just not happy, and all of a sudden you do something about it without even thinking...
There was a boy...and well this boy was less than par...my family, my friends, my co-workers...they all knew it, but me...I thought it was love, happiness, and the best relationship ever.
It took a little over a year to realize that the fighting, accusations, and constant wondering would soon drain all the energy I had.
December 22, 2009....I said those words..."You know, I am just not happy."
And it was over...he was mad and thought I was the worst person in the world, but it was a weight lifted off my shoulder.
As soon as I said those words, it hit me that I had been miserable for almost a year...
As I was moving on and getting over this relationship...
I was happy...
I was able to do what I wanted to do...
I was able to be the person I really was...
I was never wondering what he was "really" doing...
And then I got a phone call from his friend's wife...he's getting married in a week...
His wedding day was 1 1/2 month after I said those words that I thought would make me happier...
I heard those words..."He's getting married", and I was broken.
All the accusations he had against me, I should've had against him...
How can he be getting married when he just spent over a year of his life with me and it had only been over for 6 weeks...
I am so stupid to think that he was being honest with me...
I should have known those things he was accusing me of doing was actually what he was doing...
And I didn't get out of bed for 4 days...
My heart was ripped out of my chest and stomped on...
I cried all the tears I could ever make...
No one had ever hurt me the way he just did...
As I crawled out of bed 4 days later to go to church and then to work, I tried many times to talk myself out of going to church...
I didn't feel like getting ready...
I wasn't ready to sit there and really think about everything...
But, I did...and I am so glad I did!
As I sat through the homily it was about forgiveness....
The priest said..."You can't expect God to give you forgiveness for your sins, if you can't forgive."
That statement put instant tears in my eyes...
It was like God knew I needed to hear that...
I didn't think I would have ever been able to forgive him...
He hurt me to the core....
As those tears spilled out of my eyes, the old lady next to me, who I didn't know held my hand, and I felt peace in my heart.
At that moment, I spoke to my heart and said...
"I forgive him."
And I walked out of church feeling amazing...the best I had felt in over a year...
It was an amazing feeling...
As time went on...life was amazing...
Of course, he called again...you all know how that goes...
But in the end, I know I ended up the happier person...
Happy without him...
As the summer went on, I decided to make huge life changes...
I did something for myself...
I went travel nursing...
I meet wonderful people, had great experiences, explored places I had never been, learned more than imaginable...
Had I not had that experience...
That heart wrenching experience, I might not have found myself.
I found who I truly was through this experience.
What I want in life, what I won't put up with, what kind of person I want to share my life with, what makes me happy, how much my family and friends love me, and most of all...
I learned that God, above all people want me to be happy, and he spoke to heart so that I would be happy, he lead my in the direction he had planned for me.
I learned to love myself....if you don't love yourself how can you ever love anyone else.
I have no idea where I would be without this experience, but as much as it hurt then, I am so glad it happened. I love my life so much....in fact, I didn't know that I could be so happy!
Blogtember Day 3: Pass on some useful advice or information you learned and always remembered.
Advice...I am not the greatest advice giver.
In fact, many times I wonder what my friends are really thinking when I try to give advice.
Sometimes I just keep my advice to myself because I don't want to offend the person, or I know it will go in one ear and out the other.
Other times, I think it's heard...who knows.
There might be that person out there thinking back on the advice they have been given and say to themselves..."Geez, Allison really knew what she was talking about."
The advice that I live by everday is simple, very simple advice from my grandpa.
A man that I look up to all the time.
I think about him more often than not.
Faith: Most important thing in your life. LIVE.BY.IT.ALWAYS.
Family: Never disregard them, they are the ones that will be by your side and love you to the end.
Hard work: Don't except to get great things without a little hardwork. Nothing comes easy.
It's simple...and these 3 pieces of advice have never failed me.
Not once....
Blogtember Day 2: If you could take three months off from your current life and do anything in the world, what would you do?
I have always wanted to go on a medical mission trip, but never had the time to do it.
Sure, like anyone, I could make the time.
That means time off from the workforce, life, family, friends, and bills.
Not happening...well not without difficulty.
I would definitely be up for taking 3 months off work, jumping the ocean, and providing medical care in a 3rd world country.
How rewarding would that be?
Giving of my time, knowledge, talents...to people that just want to feel good.
Who wants to go on a medical mission trip???
I have no idea who this guy is...but I wish it was me...doing what I love and helping the less fortunate!
I haven't blogged in again, what would be ages...
I think about it........a lot.
I don't want to do it.
I have other things on my mind.
I am working on a project for my adorable nephews.
But mostly, I have just not wanted to sit down, turn the thoughts in my head to write a good post, so I just haven't done it.
There are time when I want to keep up with it, and then there are those times, when I just don't want to do it!
With that being said, I have decided to get caught up on the Blogtember link-up that has been going around...
...and well, I am 6 days behind...but here I am, in the middle of the night, deciding that I am ready to write.
Blogtember Day 1: Describe where or what you come from. The people, the places, and/or the factors that make up who you are.
When I think about where I came from I think of the song "Home" by Daughtry.
I loved this song the second that I heard it.
It describes every part of what I came from....family, love, friends, small town community, and the life I was given from my parents.
"I'm staring out into the night, trying to hide the pain. I'm going to the place where love and feeling good don't ever cost a thing. And the pain you feel's a different kind of pain."
There have been many times when I just need to go home.
To walk into my parent's door and feel the love they have for me.
They don't even have to tell me they love me...
...it's just there, that overwhelming feeling of walking into a place where you are you all.the.time!
At times when I am hurting, their love for me, my sister's, my nephews, and my brother-in-laws help mask the pain.
And they do, they make it feel different.
The different pain that you know it's still there, but you know that you will always be loved no matter what you are going through, what you do, how you act...and most importantly just for who are you.
"Well I'm going home. Back to the place where I belong, and your love has always been enough for me. I'm not running from. No, I think you got me all wrong. I don't regret this life I chose for me. But these places and these faces are getting old, so I'm going home. Well I'm going home."
Going home, it isn't just the love I get from my family.
It's also the community I grew up in.
It's a place that I couldn't wait to leave, graduating high school had soon become something that I desired to come sooner.
I wanted out of the little small town that knew every.single.thing about me.
I wanted my space and privacy.
I wanted people to not know a single thing about me.
I wanted the city, and I wanted it bad.
Now, I love going back to that little dot on the map of 2,000 people...
There is something about it that puts my heart at ease.
There is something to be said about rolling into town and knowing almost every one you pass on the street.
There is something to be said about that house that sits on Royal street that I remember everytime I hear "The House that Built Me" by Miranda Lambert.
Growing up in a small community is an experience that most people snub their nose at, but that place is a place where I feel most at home...
I belong there, among the people that loved me, helped raise me, and still support me in my life events.
The places and the faces there never get old, they make my heart smile when I need it the most.
"The miles are getting longer, it seems, the closer I get to you. I've not always been the best man or friend for you. But your love remains true. And I don't know why. You always seem to give me another try."
The miles between my friends have been thousands.
But, I always know they are still there.
I have the best friends from every aspect of my life, that I cherish every day.
From high school to college to sorority sisters to nursing school to my time in eastern KS, to travel nursing, and to the time I have now spent in Denver.
These people have made each aspect of my life more than lively.
Even though there are some that I don't talked to that often and see even less...I know they are there and every time I call they give me another chance at being the best friend I could be.
The ones that I see more often continue to bless me with one of the greatest gifts...friendship....
...to someone that sometimes it hard to be friend with.
For that...I am grateful to have friends that are there in the worst of times and are the first to forgive me.
They help make me who I am...
"Be careful what you wish for, 'cause you just might get is all. You just might get it all, and then some you don't want. Be careful what you wish, 'cause you just might get is all. You just might get it all."
The biggest part of who I am is my faith.
I am a true believer.
I have things I wish for...big, sometimes unrealitisic wishes.
I know that if I give those wishes to God, his plan for me will give me what I need.
Sometimes I get things I don't want, that are less than desirable....but I get through...through his enduring love and wisdom.
He knows what he is doing.
He gives me what I can handle.
What I don't think I can handle, I pray about...and my wishes are taken care of because I always seem to get through the tough times.
All because of HIM....
"Oh, well I'm going home, back to the place where I belong, and where your love has always been enough for me. I'm not running from. No, I think you got me all wrong. I don't regret this life I chose for me. But these places and these faces are getting old. I said these places and these faces are getting old, so I'm going home. I'm going home."
The people, the places, the factors in my life that make me who I am will always live on in my heart and soul...
They will continue to help me become a better person.
The best person I can be...
My blog started in 2010 with my adventures as a travel nurse. I stopped updating my blog in 2014. I am now back but for completely different reasons. At 32, I have been diagnosed with stage IV non-small cell adenocarcinoma lung cancer. I am now shifting my blog to tell the story of my fight with cancer.
"I wanna do something that matters, say something different. Something that sets the whole world on its ear. I wanna do something better with the time I've been given. I wanna try to touch a few hearts in this life. Leave nothing less than something that says...I was here." ~Lady Antebellum