Single...when I think of that word I used to think it was the most lonely word in the world.
I have dated people, but I am not a serial dater.
I'm not that girl that has to have a boyfriend.
Is it nice to have a companion...sure it is...
But as I have gotten over the last horrible relationship I was in, and dated some men here and there, I have been loving my life in the single zone.
I, no longer look at the word single as so lonely.
I love my single life!
I love it so much that dating is not up there in the things on my list to do.
Yes, I date, but I do not base my life, plans, or hopes on it.
Many times I go on dates with duds...
Duds that can't even form a sentence, much less a conversation.
Gah, there is nothing more annoying then having to pull info from these men that just don't know what the hell they are doing.
Single life for me is amazing...
I have the time to do what I want, when I want it, and how I want it.
If I want to sit on my couch naked watching brainless reality TV with an over-filled glass of vino, I don't have to explain it to anyone.
Well, except for the people that accidentally see me walking through my apartment because I forgot to close the blinds...sorry about that one!
I have the greatest friends ever that love to indulge in my crazy ass ideas like hiking a 14er, spending all day downtown at a music fest not remembering how we got home, wrecking our cruisers, or gathering at each others house drinking 6 bottles of wine celebrating our friendship...
Most of the time this is all done without the presence of men...
Many times we cuss and discuss this crazy creature that God created for us to love...
We laugh...
We get angry...
We get fed up...
We vow to never date again...but, we always do...
I hold my girlfriends close!
Yes, both of my sister's are married and I always hear "Well, when are you going to get married?"
Most of the time I would like to respond..."Well, you idiot, there isn't a damn man out there that is worthy to have this package."
But, I refrain...
Seriously...what kind of freaking question is that???
As much as I would like to pull me hair out when I get asked this question...I usually respond politely with some kind of fake laugh.
Is that polite...probably not, but it's all I can do!
Bottom line is...
I have come to terms with the fact that it's hard to give someone else love if you don't love yourself.
For a while, I wasn't sure that I was worthy to get married...
I didn't know that I had many great qualities that lots of men would love to have in their partner.
When I go through my qualities, I know that I have good ones...and bad ones...
Some are hard to find...
Some are worn on my shoulder...
Some are amazing...
Some I wish I didn't have...
But, they all make me who I am.
And I love them all...
So, while I find myself sitting on the couch by myself some nights while others are in the presence of their significant other or children...I am happy.
I have my expectations of what I want...
I am picky...
Amen, sister!
ReplyDeleteYou are amazing, and when the right, and worthy, man finds you it will be his lucky day!
Enjoy every minute loving you!
Awww...thanks!!! I hope he comes before I am gray and my skin is saggy.