
Monday, September 16, 2013

Flooding in CO

With the recents flooding in Colorado, it's been quite a somber time.  With the death toll at 7 and hundreds still's a sad time.  Most of the mudslides, rescues, and 21 inches of rain fell north of Denver in Boulder and Fort Collins areas.

Denver still got a lot of rain...I was leaving town last Thursday to head to KS for a family weekend, and it took me 1 hour to drive about 5 miles on I-70 due to lanes closures because the interstate was under water.

I can not imagine what the people effected by the floods are going through, but I have been praying day in and day out for those people.  The pictures of the effects of the rain are awful, so I can only imagine living it.  I am thanking God that I am safe and have a place to sleep at night because many people do not.

As you look through the following pictures, say a few prayers tonight as you lay your head down for...
The people that are still missing...
The people that have died...
The people that can't get a hold of their loved ones...
The red cross....
The rescuers...
And peace...peace for everyone's heart.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks!!! Watching the news now and those affected need all the prayers they can get! :)
