
Saturday, March 9, 2013


As I typed this, I have already been to my first post-op eye appointment, drove in a blizzard, grocery shopped, made coffee, and watched an episode of The Biggest Loser all without glasses or contacts!  I can't tell you how amazed I am!

My story with glasses started when I was in the 2nd grade.  I had headaches all the time and would constantly leave my classroom and go to my mom's to get tylenol.  I had super long and thick hair that my mom thought might just be too heavy and the cause of my there I was sitting in the chair of the lady that still cuts my mom's hair...and I walked out of there looking like a boy, yup I got a bowl the time I was ok with it, I was only 7!  But she kept cutting my hair like that and eventually I hated it, I looked like a boy.  The only good thing was that a friend of mine had a haircut just like me, so we looked alike!  However, 2 weeks after this dramatic haircut, my teacher informed my mom that I couldn't see the chalk I found myself in the optometrists chair and ordering glasses.  It was amazing what I could see after I got them!

Trees actually had leaves...
People's faces actually had definition...
Teacher's were actually writing something on the chalkboard...
TV images actually wore necklaces, glasses, and facial expressions....

Being 7, I didn't realize that these things were important to see, I just thought it was how everyone saw the world!  Little did I know that life behind a pair of glasses was AMAZING!!!  But, I was allergic to those darn glasses and my mom had to paint the frames with clear finger nail polish because they would make my cheeks raw and eventually scab them!  {I was so glamorous in my childhood: boy-like haircut, massive glasses, scabs on my cheeks, and a gap between my two front teeth!}  I wish I had a picture, but I will leave you with that image...NOTHING glamorous!

In the 7th grade, my mom let me get contacts because I was starting to play sports...and life was so much better with contacts, until that one girl stuck her finger in my eye while playing basketball in P.E and I am pretty sure that my eye was bleeding!  Back to the glasses I went, but my mom hadn't bought my current prescription in my glasses because I always wore my, I was back to square one and I couldn't see a damn thing....for a whole week while my eye healed!

I wore contacts and glasses all through high school, college, and the start of my profession career, until yesterday!  I had Lasik eye surgery and it is amazing!  I was a little nervous and had some anxiety when they put a ton of pressure on my eye and I lost my vision for a split second.  The scrub tech kept saying it's normal to not be able to see anything right now, but on the inside I was freaking out!  That 10 minutes to give my valium time to work WAS NOT ENOUGH TIME!!!  The whole procedure took about 30 minutes for both eyes together.  I walked into the office at 0705 and I was in my mom's care at 0810!  I walked out of the surgical room and the post-op tech asked me to look at the clock and tell her what time it was, even though it was blurry I was able to read it and I will never forget that time...


I could read a freaking clock without squinting, glasses, or contacts!

I just got back from my first post-op appointment and I am seeing 20/25.  I have quite a bit of swelling in my eyes especially the right eye...when the swelling goes down I should be seeing 20/20 without halos! {The halos are normal due to the swelling and the amount of correction that I needed} I am so amazed with this procedure and even though I am 24 hours post-op, but would do it again if it meant that I could see without using glasses or contacts!

Right now I am sitting on the couch and watching it snow, and I can see EVERY. INDIVDUAL. SNOW. FLAKE!!!!

I have to tape these beauties to my face at night for the next week so that I don't rub my eyes in my sleep!!!  I am telling you that I will I scare any one away that tries to break into my apartment!!!


  1. YAY!! I'm so excited for you! I've had glasses since kindergarden. My mom put me in the biggest, pinkest, plastic glasses I think she could find. She also permed my already curly hair, and kept it at a very boyish length. What the heck was she thinking?!

    1. Oh those moms!! Gotta love 'em....even if they did scar us for life!! :) I am so happy with the surgery and it's only been 2 days!! It's amazing!
