
Monday, March 25, 2013

Snowy Birthday!

Many would say that when it snows almost an foot, or at least a foot you should stay in and snuggle on the couch, with a fire, watch movies (or March Maddness), and drink wine....but when you live in Colorado, you do anything but the above!!!
I spent Friday night watching basketball and making cake pops for the lovely Sabra's birthday!!  I went through so many emotions making those damn things...and was so glad when they were done!!


Friday night it started to snow and I had a 10K the next morning...when I went to bed I was actually looking forward to running in the snow, but at 6:45 Saturday was cancelled...womp womp!  So, I headed out in the snow to buy those colored skinny jeans I have been dreaming about!!  I scored two pairs for 8 dolla make ya holla!!!  Red, Green, and Royal blue!!! I was so happy!!
Then came the text..."Are we still on for dinner tonight?"..from the birthday girl Sabra....ummm OF COURSE WE ARE!!!  I actually was going to wear heels, but it had just stopped snowing about 2 hours before I left for the night and the snow was not plowed...AT ALL!!!  (I chose ankle boots instead)

We meet at Sabra's and did our usual drink a bottle of wine before doing anything!  We had some of the best laughs of the night when Rosa discovered photo booth on Sabra's computer!!!  I don't think I have laughed to hard in a long time!!  We went from looking like chipmunks, to block heads, to was freakin' hilarious...well that bottle of wine helped make it even more funny!

Then, we headed out for sushi!!!  We love finding and trying new sushi places...and this place was sooooo good!!!  We ordered enough sushi to feed a football team...and ate every.last.piece!!!!

We headed out to a speak easy called Green Russell...under ground over priced drinks...and there you have it, the definition of a speak easy!!!  The waiter was a bit of a snot, and I about had a few words with him, but Rosa came to my rescue and calmed me down!!!  :)  She's good at that!!  I do have to say that the drinks were fabulous and the massive ice balls were even better!!! We had a competition to see who could get one in their mouth...and of course...I WON!!!  HAHA!!!

The girls!!!

The group of nurses knowing how to celebrate a birthday!!!

The yummy goodness!!

The Birthday Girl and I!!!

Eric's drink wasn't as good as it sounded! 

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