
Thursday, March 7, 2013

I am my mother after all....

As I woke up this morning the first thing on my mind was that mile long to-do list I have sitting on my kitchen counter....which task was I going to accomplish first?  Well, here I am on my blog, drinking coffee, and watching American Idol...none of which are on my mile long list...
My day can't start without my morning coffee...who's can?

Nothing better than a Keurig!!  I love it!

I'm sitting here thinking about that list that is torturing me on the counter and the person that crossed my mind mother!  She was always making lists of things to do when I was a kid...and in fact they were never for me to do unless she had teacher work days and my sister's and I were home...we would wake up to that dreadful list and it needed to be done by the time she got home for lunch. Two items that was always on the list were...

1. Empty the dishwasher
2. Take out the trash

It's a no wonder that I absolutely hate doing these tasks in my adulthood...and for some reason MY list always consisted of these two sisters skidded by...

I make it sound like my life was horrible but at the age of 10 when you have to empty the damn dishwasher and take out freaking trash your life is well...miserable!!!

Bottom line mom must've been doing something to teach us how to get through life...make lists for everything...
1. Things to-do
2. Things to pack when going on a trip
3. Grocery lists
4. Menu lists
Yup, that's pretty pathetic, but as they always will be just like your mother one day...


Yesterday, I checked my mail for the first time is about oh, a week {if not longer} and I had some good things in there!!  I love snail mail when it comes in the form of a pretty card, a thinking about you card, money...but the best of all is when a picture of my nephews arrive...

Isn't this adorable...I love the picture of my nephew in the corner that is due to arrive in the next month!!  I can't wait until my family grows by one more!  My baby sister is going to be a mommy...oh dear, the tears might start flowing!

I mentioned in a pervious post that I was taking my Mia to the vet for a growth on her tongue...we went yesterday and the vet was super nice!  The growth is some kind of wart that should go away in 10-12 weeks...but she told me that Mia was overweight...  I think my mouth hit the floor!!!  She topped the scale at 4.66 she has gained a little weight, but seriously...she's healthy and happy!  I was told that she needs to lose 0.5 decreasing her treats...well Mia lives for those treats, so I am not sure that is going to happen!!! Maybe decrease the people food...she lives for that too....

I am having Lasik eye surgery in the morning and I have never been so excited!!!  I can't wait to be without glasses/contacts...I have worn these damn things since I was in the 2nd grade!!!  I also, can't wait to spend the weekend with my momma!!!!  Schedule any kind of surgery and it's a good excuse to get your momma to visit!!!  Can't wait!!! :)  
Now, on to that to-do list so that my mom isn't disgusted when she walked into my apt. {She's a clean freak and has her own cleaning lady!}



  1. I LIVE for my lists. There is just something so rewarding about crossing something off! It is equally as awesome to cross off a day on the 1/2 training sheet - it's like its own kind of list.
    Sending good thoughts for your LASIK tomorrow!

    1. Thanks!!! Surgery went well...I'll blog about it this weekend!!! :) Hope you have a great weekend!
