
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Half Marathon Update: Week 7

I can't believe that I have completely crossed off week 7 on my training schedule!  The closer it gets to April 13th the faster it goes!!!  Today was my long run...7 miles...I'm not going to lie, I was nervous, like really nervous! Before I started the training program I was running right around 6 miles, and then to go to 7 miles, I was a little worried!

Week 7:
Monday: Strength & Stretching: I got back to good ole Jillian...I've missed her!
Tuesday: 4.5 miles...I had to really bargin with myself to get this run in!  But, I did it!
Wednesday:  3 miles...I didn't do this run.  I had just gotten off a 4 day stretch of 12 hour night shifts and I was just not into!  I was exhausted
Thursday: 4 miles
Friday: I did...I had Lasik eye surgery and slept most of the day!
Saturday: 50 minutes of cross training....I spent 50 minutes on the ellipitical watching the K-State basketball game
Sunday: 7 miles

Now, I know some of you are asking if I should have been exercising/running right after my eye surgery and the answer is NO...  The post-op tech at the eye surgery center told me no jogging for a week, but little did she know that she had two things against her...
1. I'm a nurse (the worst patients)
2. I'm training for a half marathon (when you are training for a half marathon, there is no way I was going to take a week off from running...NO WAY IN HELL WAS THAT HAPPENING!

If you are reading this, I know you were there and heard my post-op instructions, but did you really think that I wasn't going to continue my training?  I was talking about the 7 miles I had to run today on the way to the surgery center! I'll be waiting for my scolding phone call!  Love you!

One of my friends that eats pretty natural bought my this pre-workout energizer drink...and well it was ok!  The taste was a little different, the color was well, nasty, but I know that it helped me with the 7 miles that I pounded out today!

This the drink that I drank before my run.  It is natural plant based, so it has all sorts of roots and leaves in it...this flavor is lemon-lime and not my favorite but it was ok.  I'll drink it again!

Yes, yes, it looks disgusting!  But, it didn't taste as bad as it looks!  Mix one scoop with a cup of water...and have energy, endurance, and mental focus!!!

A few pictures along the trail that I run on!  It is pretty with all the snow!

Pounding out those miles!

During my run I popped a few of these bad boys!  I ate 2 beans at 30 minutes and 2 more at 60 minutes....not sure if they helped, but it was nice to have a little flavor!


TWO= 7 MILES!!!!

Week 7: D-O-N-E

When I got home I found this little beauty sunbathing!!!  She loves laying in the sun!

I found this today...INNER STRENGTH


  1. I think I'm getting to the point where I need to fuel during my long runs. I did 8 this weekend and I felt great during the run, but immediately after, I felt like I'd been run over by a train!

    Do you have to walk when you have the Sports Beans, or do you just chew and run?

    1. I keep on running! I don't really chew them, I suck on them! When the outer coating of the bean melts it's full flavor. The first time I chewed them, and I lost my breathing, the second time I sucked on them and it was a lot better!
      I didn't use anything until my 7 mile run, and I kind of wish I would have used them before now! They seemed to help! My run was amazing!!! I hope you are doing well!

  2. I'm with Kate. I did 6 miles this weekend and felt good, until I stopped running. No runners high for me. I was all woozy and nauseous. Time to invest in something to keep me going.
    What a great trail! I wish we had more trails around here. There's only so much beauty city/town streets have to offer.
