Three weeks left to the big half marathon that I have looked forward to, sweated buckets of sweat, dreaded many runs...and here I am...ALMOST THERE!!! It's so hard to believe!
This weekend I was supposed to run a 10K, but it snowed a little too much & the race was cancelled! So, I ran a 10K with a friend on Sunday afternoon! Halfway through my run, my phone got too cold and shut turned off and I couldn't get it to turn back on...womp womp...I was so irritated without music, but I made it!! 6.2 miles...the whole way!
When my music turned off, my mind started going! I didn't realize all the stuff that I think about when I am running because I am usually listening to music, so it drowns out my thoughts...once that music was gone I really paid attention to what I was thinking about...and my mind was everywhere!!
I thought about:
*my nephew that is coming into this world in a few short weeks...I wondered what he was going to look like, what is name was going to be, how he would fit into our family...then I freaked out and thought I better get his baby blanket finished because he could be here any moment.
*what I was going to wear to my friend's 30th birthday party in KC after I run my half marathon...would I wear my blue skinny jeans, with my sheer white top and tan new chevron dress that I really want to wear to my new nephew's baptism and I can't wear it that close together, what about those green skinny jeans and a tan top...hmm what other dresses do I have...oh yeah there's that one that didn't fit and now does, but I need lilac heels...maybe I want to wear that one for Easter...shit, I need to get some new clothes!
*I wonder how my jiggly-ness has changed since I first started running...I wish the sun was out so that I can see my shadow and judge for myself...oh it's probably good the sun it's out...what I don't see the better!
*I wonder what Hudson & Nicholas are doing (my other nephews)....I can't forget to skype with my sister tonight so that I can see them (yup, I forgot).
*The KU game has started, I wonder how they are doing...will they win this one! If they are in the national championship I will be at home on my vacation with mom and dad...I wonder what we will do...will we sit at home and eat mom's famous appetizers? I can't wait to listen to mom yell at the TV (she could seriously be the best college basketball coach!)
*God, how much longer do I have?? I am so over this run... (look at my garmin watch), oh, I only have 1.5 miles left...I can't quit now! I'm almost there! Ok, speed it up a bit, you will get done sooner if you run faster. Look at that old man running...if he can do it then there is no reason I should be thinking about stopping before I'm finished...damn, there a lot of runners out today even though it's freakin' cold...OMG, I'm hot... I put on too many clothes...
See, my mind was amazing to me how much it did race when my music was off...I was all over the place!!!
Week 8....
Monday: Strength & Stretching....I just did 30 min. of Jillian today!
Tuesday: 4.5 miles
Wednesday: 3 miles
Thursday: 4.5 miles...I took 2 rests days before my 10K so I didn't run today
Friday: REST!!!
Saturday...this day was supposed to be my 10K, since it was cancelled I did 50 minutes on the ellitpical while watching Colorado St. get stomped by Louisville
Sunday: I ran a 10K with my friend Rosa!
6.2 miles....D-O-N-E
It was a chilly 27 degrees, but felt like 22 degrees!!
The snowy trail! I got a few pics in before my phone shut off from the cold!
This guy was fishing....
Week 9....D-O-N-E!!!!