
Monday, August 5, 2013

Half Marathon #2 Training: Week 1

I am at it for my second half marathon!!!  I am registered for the Rock 'n Roll half marathon here in Denver and I am looking forward to it!  One of my good friends is running it with me...and I'm super excited about that!

Week 1:
Monday: Strength and Stretching...To say that Jillian kicked my ass would be an understatement!
Tuesday: 3 was flippin' hot outside, but I pounded out those 3 miles!
Wednesday: 2 miles...again it was hot, and I ran by a homeless man that gave me anxiety and I kept looking over my shoulder, but I finished in one piece!
Thursday: 3 miles
Friday: REST...that I did...I slept from 9-5 after getting off work and was back in bed by 10pm and slept all night!
Saturday: 30 minutes of cross training...I got up early and cycled 26 miles...
Sunday: 4 miles...Rosa and I headed out to Sloans Lake and pounded out the miles!!!

This week was hard, but I finished!  I haven't been running as much as I thought I would when I finished my last half marathon...but I felt good finishing this week!!  Here's to week 2!!!!

The mountains across the lake

Downtown Denver

4 miles...DONE!


Week 1...D-O-N-E

I got new shoes for this half marathon and I love them!!!  I always wanted loud, obnoxious shoes...and I scored just that!!!  I love Brooks!!!


  1. YAY for running a second 1/2!! I've got one coming up next weekend, and then another in October. When is the Rock n Roll? I've always wanted to run a RnR.

    Love the shoes! My last shoe buying experience I told the hubs I wanted people to "hear my shoes" before they saw me. And, my shoes are certainly "loud"! :)

    1. The RnR is October 20th!!! I am excited...I am hoping to beat my time!!! I love "loud" shoes!
