
Thursday, August 8, 2013

Part 5: Who are you?

Part 5

*Describe your relationship with your parents*
My parents are the example I have ever had!  They have been married for 38 years and strived to give me and my sister's the best childhood ever, and they succeeded!  Of, course there were times when I didn't like my parents, but I now know that they just wanted the best for me!  As an adult the relationship with them is one that I will forever hold dear to my heart!  They care, love, and respect all three of us!  I love the relationship with my parents and I love spending time with them! 

*Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?*
Many people answer this question with certain things that they want to accomplish or experience within these years such as being married, having kids, taking trips, getting a certain degree...and while all those things are the next 15 years, I just want to be happy, full of love, be loved, and always smiling...and if all those things that I mentioned above plus some happen in my life, and I never stray from happiness then I will be happy with my life in all the years to come!

*What is your favorite holiday and why?*
I love Easter!  It doesn't get as big of a hype as the other holidays, but to me it's just as important.   While I love spending time with my family on the holidays, I always leave Easter Sunday mass with this feeling in my heart that makes me think about my life.  As I am reminded every year of the sacrifice that Jesus made for us, I am also reminded that while I was given a my own cross to bear, I know that I am capable of overcoming anything!

*What is your favorite and least favorite thing about parenting?*
NO children here....

*If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be and what would you eat?*
I would have a small, quiet dinner at home with my family and the Pope!

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