
Saturday, April 30, 2011

It's been a while.....

To everyone that follows my blog...I am so sorry that I have been MIA!!!  I went To Sioux Falls, SD for Easter and when I got back I worked a week of night shifts!!!  I finally have a day off and start back on days it's been a busy couple of weeks!!!

I went to Sioux Falls, SD for Easter to see my family and we had a fabulous time!!!  I love my family more than anything in the this world, but I love the fact that we are so close even more!  When I was able to see my family whenever I wanted I took it for granted, and now that I am not able to just jump in my car and drive a few hours to see them, I cherish every moment we have together even more!  Our weekend consisited of the one thing that bonds us together as a family: church!  As we sat in church on Easter Sunday and listened to the homily it seriously touched each of us individually and as a whole family!  There were many times when I thought the priest was talking to me and there were also times when I thought he was talking to my family as a whole!!  As a family we have definitely taken our turn on carrying our cross just like Jesus did, and the way the priest put it into persceptive it really hit home!!! 
Our weekend didn't only consist of church...we went shopping, to a movie, had taco night at my sister's house, had a fabulous Easter dinner, and of course my mom's famous 3 mile walks!!!! 

Our whole family LOVES Madea, especially my nephew, so when we saw that the new movie was coming out the weekend of Easter is wasn't even a question as to wether we were going or not!!!  My nephew is growing up way to fast and got every joke that was in the movie, including some of the ones that as an aunt thinks he shouldn't have got!!!! 

Tori is waiting patiently for Lee's family so that we can take family photos!!  Once again, she loves sticking that thumb out there!!!!

My wonderful family!!!  Love them!!!!

SISTERS!!!  :)  I have to clarify that I am the tallest one of us three, however, I chose to wear flats and they chose to wear heels!!! :)

After the family pictures, we all got comfortable and got cozy on the couch!!  Mom even dozed off for a snooze!!!!

Since being in Delaware, I have made some good friends!!!  Unfortantely, Ashley, a travel nurse as well, has just finished her contract and is back in Arkansas.  I miss her already!!!  We did lots of things together!
Here are some pictures at a party after several people that I work with did the Mud Run!

Ashley, Jamie, and I

Ashley and I

I have started the count down to the end of my contract!!  I have 4 weeks left!!  I can't believe how fast this contract has come and gone!!!  I am super excited to be home in KS and spend two weeks with my family preparing and celebrating my little sister's wedding!!! 

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