The Shrine was absolutely beautiful:
I am going to put a few pictures on here from the internet because my computer won't let me download my photos at this time and these pics are prettier!!!
The front of the National Shrine
From the back of the shrine
This mosaic is at the front of the shrine and absolutely breathtaking. It is made of 3 million little mosaic pieces!

View of the National Shrine
The Fransican Monestary was beautiful also! The gardens around the building were amazing with all the tulips, bleeding hearts, and pansies in bloom!
The last supper
Inside of the monastary
At Calgary
So while I was walking around the gardens outside one of the eldery men came up to me and asked me if I was hired as the nurse to be on this bus in case one of the senior citizens fell or got sick. I was like serioulsy!!! But, I politely said to him "No, I paid the same amount of money as you did to come on this trip and I just happen to have a degree in nursing!"
While on the bus ride home that little old lady that sat next to me gave me her phone number, address and gave me turn by turn directions on how to get to her house, she said "Come over some day, and we'll go bike riding. I ride a bike with 3 wheels, but I have one with 2 wheels that you can ride." I just laughed, however, she was so sweet, I might just take her up on it!!!
Over all, I had a great time on this trip and it was very interesting to see all these things that pertain to my faith!!! I would like to go back and see it again, because we didn't have near enough time to soak everything in!
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