
Saturday, March 19, 2011

One of those nights....

It's one of those nights where I'm feeling lonely and having some self-pity.  Not that I am proud of that, but everyone has to feel sorry for themselves every once in a while.  In about an hour or so, I'll snap out of it and be over but until then, I'm sitting here in my condo listening the waves below me almost on the verge of tears.  I am wishing that I was still in Corpus Christi with all the friends that I met when I was working down there!  Those people are fabulous people.  But, then I can't help but feel a little guilty for not wishing I was in Kansas City with my friends that I have had since college or in western KS with my family.  So, as you can tell I am a basket case of emotions right now!!  Don't get me wrong, I'm lovin' life on the east coast, but one can't help but feel a little lonely when they are out on the road by themselves, knowing only the people that they work with.  It makes me more lonely to know that my mom is in South Dakota visiting my older sister, and that my little sister is snuggled in to OUR chair at my parents house watching TV by the fire.  As for me, I'm sitting in a wicker chair that is horribly uncomfortable, watching Madagascar 2 on a Sony 32 in' box TV, with the only light coming from a lamp on the table behind me, and my bed in my living room sitting right next to me. 
Somethings on the upside:
*I got to sleep until noon today
*I discovered Netflix and am officially in love with watching TVshows/movies streaming on my computer
*I continue to love to beautiful ocean view that I get to look at everyday
*Playing Words with Friends (I have like 5 games going right now)
*The text messages from my mom and put a huge grin on my face
*My upcoming trip to Washington DC with another traveler that has become a good friend
*A random phone call from a great friend I made in Corpus Christi
*A new delicious snack that I found today...Special K low-fat granola
After looking back over that looks like my life is pretty good after all!!! 


  1. Hang in there Alli! Tomorrow will be a new day! ; ) I don't blame you for being a little homesick and/or lonely! It would be hard, but also quite exciting and fun!

  2. I love you Al! Hang in there and think about all the awesome new experiences you get to have!! AND...I will be coming to see you sometime soon!! :-)
