
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Aroma Therapy

I love things that smell good!!!  Everytime I have moved the first thing that comes out of the boxes are my Bath & Body Works wall flowers and oil burner!!!  I love having scents that match the season...the fall scents are my absolute fav!!!  I have used my oil burner that I got from a great friend so many times and never had a problem with it...until last night!!!  I had been burning my oil for what seemed like was at least an hour...I was half way involved in the KU basketball game and half way occupied by my computer, when Tori called me...we had our daily chit-chat, but while talking on the phone I thought my oil burner was making a funny noise.  Anyone that has an oil burner knows that they don't make simply burn a tea candle in the bottom of it and heats up the oil and smells delicious.  Well, when I glanced over at it, it looked fine, so I returned to my business on the computer. Then all of a sudden out of the corner of my eye I see this huge flame coming from the bottom of my oil burner!  My computer went flying across the room and I ran to the kitchen for some water!!!  I threw the water on it and it went out, but it didn't stop the smoke alarm in my condo went off.  My heart was beating so fast and I was thinking..."Seriously, it's 10:30 pm and NO ONE is going to be happy if we have to evacuate the building because of my stupid oil burner."  Luckily, I was able to shut the smoke alarm off, and opened the sliding glass door to air out my condo!  Thank goodness I didn't burn this building down!!!

I have been in hospital orientation all week, and am ready to shoot myself!  It has all been pretty boring and nothing too exciting has happened, and then there was today!! While in college I had major test the point where one of my instructors had me go to a test taking skills workshop.  So, today when I walked in and saw that a medication test was on the schedule, I totally freaked out!!  I HATE TESTS!!!!  I had anxiety all day that I was dealing with pretty well, until...a lab person told me that I was going to have to let one of my peers take my blood sugar.  Now, I know what you all are thinking, but even though I'm a nurse, I HATE NEEDLES!!!  I can give all the shots, start all the IVs, take all the blood sugars I have to without a second thought, but the second that needle is coming toward one of my body parts, I get major anxiety!!!  I would rather be miserable for several more days until the antiboitics start working than get a one time shot and feel better in hours!  So, I had to give my finger over for another nurse to poke it with a lancet to get a drop of blood.  Now knowing my fear of needles, I would rather have a huge needle stuck into my arm than a little prick on my stings FOREVER!!!! And, my blood sugar was high...I blamed it on my anxiety and the fact that I had just eaten lunch an hour before...I sure hope it is...there is no way that I would be a good diabetic with all the needles!!!  I am now relaxed, but it sure was a day full of anxiety!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Alli! You crack me up!! Your blog has been fun to read! Keep them coming! ;)

    Jodi Moellering
