
Monday, February 28, 2011


So after I arrived in Delaware, I got settled and put my things away...there is one fact about me that is sooo true...I have way too many clothes, most of which still remain in the tubs that they were transported in due to lack of space!  After getting settled, I just relaxed!!  I know what most of you are thinking...why didn't you go explore, well people I have 3 months to explore and after that 24 hour drive I was EXHAUSTED!!! 
Sunday I went to church and was excited that it is so close I can walk to it!!  It was kind of cool out, but not cool enough not to walk a block!  When we were singing the last song in church, I heard some sirens, and like I always do I said a little prayer for the people that were in need.  As I walked out of church and turned to walk down the block little did I know that the prayer I had just said for the person in need was for me...there were 6 fire trucks, 3 police cars, and 2 ambulances surrounding my building complex. All I was thinking was HOLY SMOKES...literally!! As I got closer to the building I could smell the smoke and saw it rolling out of the lobby doors!  I stood outside for about an hour watching all the firefighters run around like chickens with their heads cut off...thank goodness that is was just a blown transformer and I was allowed back in the building, but not after I was already FREEZING!!!  It took me all afternoon to warm up!!  However, needing to warm up was a great excuse for a long Sunday afternoon nap!  On a side note, there was only two cute firefighters...
I have started working little sister is showing me up and I as a big sister, I can't have that!!!  The weather has not allowed me to run by the beach yet, but I'm hoping it will warm up/not rain soon!!!  Since I can't work out outside I busted out the ole P90X and Jillian Michaels workout DVDs...HOLY SMOKES!!!  I am one hurtin' unit today!!!  I'm beginning to think that running is a lot easier than all this squatting, jumping, push-ups, and sit-up!!!  However, I have always said this when I'm sore from working out..."It's the hurt that I love!!!"
Today I started my first day of work at Beebe Medical Center!!  As I was sitting there listening to the HR lady talk up this hospital and about how they are such a good hospital all I was thinking was, "Yea, Yea every hospital says this about themselves!"  HOLY SMOKES....isn't even the terms to use to describe how boring it was...but I made it through!!!  I can't wait to get to the floor next week and take care of those hearts that I love to do so much!!!

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