
Friday, July 19, 2013

Denver Century Ride

Sabra and I were at is again in the middle of June, we did the Denver Century ride!  There was several different distances that we could chose from and we both agreed to sign up for the Century which is 100 miles.  We both had the understanding that any time before or during the ride we could switch to a shorter distance if we didn't feel like we could make the 100 we came upon the last chance to ditch the 100 miles and get on the 85 mile route, we both agreed to keep trucking along on the 100 mile ride!

I was so nervous to climb Lookout Mountain as I hadn't climbed it yet this summer, but it was so much easier than I thought it was going to be!  The last 20 miles of the ride were was hot, there was nothing to look at, it was out by the airport, my ass was numb...and I just couldn't wait for it to be over, but it seemed like it took forever!  I was so happy when those 20 miles where over!

At the starting line...

After climbing Lookout Mountain...about 25 miles in!

100 miles completed! 

100 miles was not complete without a sunburn and blisters!

At the finish line...I was never so glad to see the finish line! 

I went home, took a shower and laid on the couch around 7 pm, I woke up on the couch at 9:30 am with Mia licking my face telling me she needed to go outside!  I have never needed a 14 hour sleep so much in my life!  I was exhausted!

The day after our Century ride we went cruising and had mexican food, margaritas, moscow mules, and beer!  We needed that relaxing day in downtown Denver so bad!  

Chris tightening up Sabs crusier!


  1. What an awesome, and LONG bike ride!
    I'm still toying with the idea of a cruiser... They look like so much fun!

    1. It was a great ride...but super long!!! We are doing another one in Sept.!
