
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Snowy day in Colorado

This morning I sit on my couch with a cup of coffee, my warm zebra fleece blanket, my little Mia cuddled on my lap, catching up on my DVR...Army Wives that is!  It has snowed about 3 inches as far as I can tell since last night and I'm just trying to stay warm!  It's quite depressing's April 23rd and there is 3 inches of snow on the ground (insert gun to head)!!!  However, I don't mind cuddle days with my little girl!!!

Catching up on a few things...

While I was in Kansas City for my half marathon we celebrated one of my friend's 30th birthday!!!  We had sushi, drinks, dancing, and laughter!  I went to college with these you can imagine the nights out we have had together...and I would say this night was a lot more low key than previous nights we have hit the town.  I think it's a sign that we are getting old!!!  UUGGGG!!!  I don't like that word!
Jenny wasn't brave enough to try sushi for the first time!!  Maybe next time!

Karisa and I split this plate of sushi...yum-o! Gotta love rainbow roll!

A little pomtini and sparkling sake...even more yum-o!


Fab Friends!

With the pretty birthday girl!

Something never change...this was so Jenny years ago in college!!!  Love it!

Love these girls!!  

These girls and I are sorority sisters from college....and you know when I look back on all my sorority sisters and I have a unique bond!  There are times when we don't talk to each other for months at a time because of our busy lives, but when we get together it is like we talk everyday since graduation and for that I am grateful!!  I have the best friends in the world...and being with them in Kansas City recently has made me cherish them even more!  They didn't have to give up time with their husbands and children to come to KC, wake up at the butt crack of dawn to cheer me on or run with me in my first half marathon, but they didn't think twice and they were there, supporting me to the end and for that I am grateful!  I thank God for blessing my life with a group of women that I get to call me friends!  

Happy 30th Birthday Karisa!!!!

This week I went to the new Jackie Robinson movie "42", and it was good!!!  Like super good!!!  It was a long movie, but never really lost my interest!  For those of you that know me well, you know that I am not a movie person...if I'm watching a movie on my couch within 5 minutes I am watching the movie through my eyelids!  In fact, I cringe every time my nephew asks me to watch a movie with him because I know that I have to try so hard not to fall asleep, but I do....every time!  I pretend that I am not sleeping by quickly opening my eyes when it feels like someone it watching me, and he catches me....every time!  I have also been known to fall asleep in the movie about all time failure at watching a movie!  But, I didn't fall asleep during this movie!  Like I said it is good and worth going to see!!!  

Alright, now I am praying for warmer weather!!!  I have bought a couple cute dresses and shirts that are spring/summer clothing and I WANT TO WEAR THEM!!!  This weather is overrated and I am ready for some warm cycling weather!  I can't wait until I can cycle without looking at the weather first!  I rode 50 miles this last weekend, but now there is snow on the ground!  Can't wait for the warmer, sunny Colorado weather to arrive!!!  

I found this little saying a while back and I read it everyday...I cherish and look up to the greatness of Mother Teresa so much.  She did so many great things in her lifetime, and I know that if I can do just a quarter of what she did, I will make it in this world!  With this saying she reminds me how insecure, unloving, and judgmental some people can be, but I know that with reading this it reminds me that I can do good despite those people and someday they will be more acceptable to the people in this world that try to make it a better place all while expecting NOTHING in return.  I hope it touches your heart as much as it touches mine!

Happy April Snow Day!!!!


  1. What sushi place did you go to in KC? My girl friends and I used to love STIX out a Legends, or Kona on the Plaza.
    It's still snowing?! May is in a week!

    1. We went to Domo in Brookside. It was good!!! Yes, it is still snowing, but supposed to be in the 70's this weekend! I can't wait for warmer weather!!!
