
Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Egg Tradition

My mom loves traditions...and even though the two grandkids weren't home for Easter...she still made us dye Easter eggs!  We even skyped the grandkids while we dyed them!  My mom was so funny...the eggs were boiling by 8:30 on Good Friday...and we were dying eggs by 10:30!  It was fun even though the boys weren't there!

My baby sister and I!!  Can't believe that she about to be a momma!

Seriously the best mom a girl could ask for!  Love her to the moon and back!

The finished project!

After dying the eggs, we headed to Good Friday service!  There is something about walking into church with dim lights, no holy water, the tabernacle empty, and little music through out the whole service...your mind falls and as the passion of Christ is being read you think about the sacrifice that was made so that I could stand in that church and celebrate Good Friday.  

Easter Sunday, we went to Mass to celebrate the risen Lord...and I have to say that as I get older this holiday becomes my favorite!  It really speaks to my gives me hope...
HOPE... that I will make it in this world
HOPE.. that even when it feels like no one loves me I know that one person does and always will
HOPE... that I was given this life for a reason
HOPE... that through Christ all things are possible!  
I cherish my faith as the most important thing in my life...when I was younger it was just a routine that I did because my mom and dad made us...I didn't fully understand the significant meaning of it all, until I grew up...and relied on it more than I ever thought possible!  When no one else seemed to understand He has helped me through the times when I didn't want to get out of bed in the morning, through tears that were shed when the priest spoke to my heart, to forgive the people that hurt me the most, to love like Christ loves me....I can't begin to imagine where my life would be without Him in it!  Here's to a better year for you and for me!  


  1. What fun for you and your sister and mom!
    Did you or your sister go to K-State? My hubby is an alum and loves it when we bump into fellow KSUers.

    1. It was fun!!! My sister did go to K-State...she and her husband are alum!!! She loved it there! :)
