I had the best weekend ever going back to KC for a cousin's wedding!!! I got to see my entire family, whom I haven't seen since at least July 30th!!! We had a great time and made great memories!!!
The weekend started out with my bestie picking me up from the airport...it was the best sit ever having her pull up and jump out of her car and give me the biggest hug ever!!! We drove to the neighboring town and had dinner with several of my sorority sisters that I have greatly missed!!! The MVP of the night was little Easton!!! The last time I saw her she was only a few weeks old, and now she is 3 months and the cutest little girl EVER!!! I couldn't get over how much she looks like her Daddy!!!!! Can't wait to see her again soon!!!

After dinner I met my parents at the hotel, and I'm telling you that it was the best site ever having my mom and dad walk up to me!!! My mom couldn't get the things she was carrying out of her hands fast enough to give me a hug!!! My dad engulfed me the biggest bear hug ever and I couldn't stop smiling!!! We just hung out in the hotel room Thursday night while my mom and I caught up on all the latest small town gossip!!! I finally got to read the small town newspaper and held it in my hands instead of reading it via email!! It's the small things in life that we cherish!!!
Friday morning, my mom made me get up bright and early, not something that I'm too fond of, especially when I don't have to get up!! We met my aunts, counsins, and all the bridesmaids for breakfast and then shopped until we dropped!!! Thank goodness I have been on a big saving money kick...I only bought 3 things!!!
Friday afternoon, I finally got to see my baby sister!!! We went to the church for rehersal and then back to the hotel for rehersal dinner!!! Needless to say, the open wine and beer bar was a bad idea!!! However, we loved it!!! We closed down rehersal dinner in style with my mom, dad, aunt, uncle, and cousins!!! I'm pretty sure that the bartender wasn't the happiest when I plopped my 7 year old cousin on a barstool at the bar and let him order a Dr. Pepper at 11:00 pm!!!
Pictures from Rehersal Dinner
Anna, the flowergirl and I
Sam was SOOO excited for his ringbearer gift!!!
My mom and Sam going through his bag of goodies!!!
Sam got a light saver!!!!
My mom and her baby brother!!!
Time to cut Aunt Wendy off, she spilled her whole glass of wine on Tori's lap!!!
My baby sister!!!
Finally the big sister showed up!!!
And she brought the nephew!!! YAY!!!
Toby, Sam, and I with Tori in the back!!!
Darren's had way too many drinks!!!
Saturday was wedding day!!! In the morning we went and picked up my older sister's wedding dress!! She is going to look stunning in a month when she walks down the aisle!!! Then, back to the hotel we went to get ready for the wedding!!! With the majority of the family being women, it takes a little bit for all of us to get ready!!!
Pictures from the wedding and reception
Husband and Wife
My family!!!
My beautiful sisters and I
Sisters with the Bride and Groom
Lindsey, Jera, and I
Derek, Taylor, and I
We wear sunglasses at night!
Jera, Tori, and I with all the wine we got before the free bar closed!!!
KISSES for the sistas!!!
Oh my, Darren!!! You are done!
The wedding was a blast!!! One to go down in Honas history!!! There are a tons more photos being added to my facebook, so check those out!!! There were lots of laughs the next day looking at them all!!!
I just booked my flight for my sister's wedding in November!!! Less than a month away!!! YAY!!
So, it's official, I will be staying in Corpus Christi until Feb. 5th!!!! I'm so excited!! I have met so many great people down here, I didn't know how I was going to leave in November, but now I don't have to until Feb!!!! I can't wait to met more people and continue to have a good time down here in southern TX!!! You all need to come see me!!! I'm always open to visitors!!!