
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I had the time of my life....

Like I predicted I wasn't able to post anything until after Thanksgiving, so I will have several posts today!!  Last post I left you with was my upcoming trip to KC for my older sister's wedding!!!  The title of this post is exactly how I would describe that weekend!!!  I HAD THE TIME OF MY LIFE!!!  Knowing how many bridesmaid dresses I have hanging in my closet at my parents house you would think that I would HATE weddings...but with all things considered I LOVE WEDDINGS!!!  There is just something about the atmosphere, people, music, drinks, but most importantly the reason that we were all together on November 19th celebrating the joining of my sister and her new husband!  Amazingly, I held back the tears, but as I'm typing this and remember the last year and a half it brings tears to my eyes!  My sister is one of those people that by her actions, selflessness, and heart, has helped me to realize that no matter what life brings me, I will get through it!  She has been handed her fair share of difficulties in life, and just when you didn't think she would be able to handle one more thing, she did and she ALWAYS held her head high!  I have to utmost respect for her!!!  When I saw her walking down the aisle, I couldn't help but have the biggest smile spread across my face knowing that she is truly happy!!!  Here are some pictures from the wonderful wedding that was beautiful!!!! 

Of course, I can't go back to KC and not see my friends!!!  On Wednesday my bestie Karisa picked me up from the airport and we went out for Mexcian and Margaritas with Lexie!!!  It was great to catch up with these two great friends!!!  I have definietly hit the jack pot on friends!!  They are the best!!!  Karisa also got to join in on the fun at my sister's wedding!!

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