After the concert we went to a bar and had a few beers, and I must say I have been the several bars and never once experienced a loss of power at a there we are getting a beer and the power went out...the music stopped and it was dead silent in the bar...eventually they got the power back on by the flip of a breaker, but still it was a first and it's funny when the crazy loud music stops, but you are talking, actually yelling to your friends because it's loud and you don't stop yelling because you never expected the power to go out!!!
Mia and I are excited to head for the holiday in just a few days!!! I can't wait to see my family and extended family!!! We will be home from Wednesday-Monday. Mia will probably hate me after Friday because she is going under the knife and getting spade. I will even be making a trip to eastern KS with my dad to go to the Sunday night Football game with the Chiefs vs. Steelers...I can't wait until the Chiefs destroy the Steelers, especially so that I can have a visual imagine in my head of my brother-in-law Lee crying black and yellow tears!!! Can't wait to get back to my roots!!!!