
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Miss Mia

Miss Mia that first month I got her!

It's time to celebrate one year with my sweet little Miss Mia!  She is truly the sweetest little thing that ever did exist!  There is nothing better than the welcome home squeals, jumps up the leg, and kisses that I get from her every time I walk through the door!  She knows my deepest secrets and she is the best at catching tears with her tongue!  

Mia with her sister Gia

Mia's favorites:
*Breathies chicken strips
*her fleece cherry printed blanket
*natural raw hide sticks
*her friend Pike...the neighbors massive wolf dog
*the open windows...she loves standing at them and watching everyone outside
*the neighbor lady Donna...Mia always peeks over the rocks to see if she's on her patio
*Bentley the friend Rosa's cat...Mia loves tormenting him
*the pillows on my bed
*her sister and BFF Gia
*going on a car rides
*afternoon naps with a little scratching of the belly

I love my mama's pillows

Mia's dislikes:
*big dogs with the exception of Pike
*doorbells on the TV
*being in a room without me...she's my little shadow
*the bag that her breathies come in...she is deathly afraid of the bag, but can't wait to get the treat
*bows in her takes her about 30 seconds to get a bow out of her hair

Mia's Nicknames:  Over the last year Mia has adopted severe different nicknames...
*pretty girl
* friend Rosa thinks it's funny that she calls her beaner...she says it's because she's small like a bean...and well I hate it!!!  

I love milk and cookies!!!

I have the longest tongue known to dog-kind!!!

Mia last week...she loves the bed!!!!

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