
Monday, May 9, 2011


If you are a nurse or are in the medical field, you all know that QUIET is not the word of choice when things at the hospital are unusually not chaotic!!! Once that word is said all hell breaks lose and no one can stay caught up, but this weekend QUIET described the CVICU to a tee!!!  We had two patients on Saturday, one of which went home, and just one patient last night!  Now, I have NEVER been in an ICU, of any sort, and been the only staff person there....and that was last night! I guess there is a first for everything! There came a time when I was wishing something would happen, so that I would have something to do or someone to talk to!!!  Surprisingly enough, I was able to stay awake throughout the night and I scored some CEU credits!!!!
I had some drama this last week with my ACLS certifcation...for those of you that don't know, ACLS stands for Advanced Cardiac Life Support...pretty much when you are in a code blue situtation you are able to run a code and give meds until a doctor can get to you and the patient.  Because you have to recertify every two years, I have taken this class many times.  My certification is due to expire at the end of May so I signed up for a class here at the hospital I am working at.  Well, I knew in the back of my mind that it was odd, as a travel nurse, that I wasn't required to pay for it, but I just thought maaybe this hospital goes above and beyond for their travelers...well I was wrong!  As I was driving to the class that morning...the thought did cross my mind that I should have gotten a packet with a pre-test in it, but I wasn't worried about it.  So, I went to the class and told the instructor that I didn't recieve a packet or anything...and from then on I think it was "Let's make Allison feel two feet tall day."  I have never in my life been talked down to like the lady in the education departmenr talked to me that day, the way she looked at me, the way she moved her head when she was talking to me, the tone of her voice; she acted like I had just commited a federal was all I could do just to walk away.  Need less to say, I paid for the class online and took it online.  With some of the things she was saying to me that morning, made me realize that I DO NOT miss the politics that goes along with being a staff nurse in a's definitely not about what we can do to help you out and make your life/job easier. 

I switch back to day shift tomorrow morning...and only have 3 weeks left of this contract!!!  I am so excited to hit the road and begin my journey back to western KS with my first stop being one of my favorite cities with my favorite people...KANSAS CITY!!!!  WHOOP WHOOP!!!! :)

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