Well, I have been in Corpus for 3 weeks (time is flying), and if it weren't for the heat I would be absolutely lovin' this place!!! I can't wait for the next month to pass and for the weather to cool off a bit!!! The humidity is a killer, and you would never know that a person took a shower before leaving their house because it's instant sweat when you step outside!!! I know it's hot here, when my intelligent key to my car won't work because it is so cold in buildings and hot outside!!! I have to hold my key in my hand while I'm walking to my car to warm it up in order for it to work!!! Oh, the little things in life that we get used too!!!
Work....it's going great!!! The people that I work with are so much fun!!! There are moments I feel like I haven't done anything at work because we have techs that get our blood sugars, pass out the food trays, etc... But, it's going great!!! The unit has been busy, so it's nice to have lots of patients and not have to worry if I'll be working the next day!! I'm lovin' the day shift, but about 3 pm everyday, I start dragging!!! I am getting used to paper charting again, and it's not so bad!!! This last week JACHO was in the hospital, and I was a little nervous as I hadn't worked but 3 days on the unit, but luckily they never came to our unit!!!
I was craving Chipotle the other day, so I asked the girls at work where one was at...and I got this look, like what the heck is Chipotle!!! Luckily one of the girls used to live in Houston and knew what I was talking about, and they don't have one here...their version of Chipotle is called Free Bird...needless to say, I wasn't very impressed!!! I think I might try it one more time.....we'll see!!!!
I'm a little disappointed that I don't have any pictures to post this week, I even took one off my balcony before I came to Starbucks, but it is so hot out that the lens of my camera fogged over (an everyday thing with glasses too) and the picture is blurry, so I'll make sure I have pictures to post next week!
I dare not go running in this humidity, even though there is a really pretty place to run along Ocean Dr, it is right along the ocean, but I'm sure someone will be picking me up off the sidewalk if I try it, so instead I bought a couple Jillian Michaels workout videos!!! OMG....she is kicking my butt!!! But, I love her and can't wait to have her killer arms!!!!
I'm off this weekend and there is a craft show going on with 137 vendors that I'm going to attend!!! Hoping is takes up most of my Saturday!!!!
Have a great weekend!!!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Road Trip to Corpus Christi!!!!
Yelp, the road trip is behind me....THANK GOODNESS!!! It was the longest drive of my entire life...usually I'm the one in the back seat sleeping the entire time, but instead this time, I was the one driving....I was never so glad to see Corpus Christi!!!! Here are a few pictures of our road trip!!!
While driving through Oklahoma, we stopped to see a great sorority sister and her cute little baby girl Avery!!! We had lunch with them, and then hung out at Kellie's house for a few hours and watched little Avery sleep while sucking her thumb!!! It brought back the good ole days when I sucked my thumb, actually it should have brough back the good ole years...I sucked my thumb for years...in fact until I was in the 6th grade!!! :) Of course, little Avery was dressed in my favorite prints ever...ZEBRA!!!!!
After our visit with Kellie and Avery...we hit the road again!!! I was never so glad to see TX!!! However, after we crossed the border we still had a LONG way to go!!!
After we got to Corpus Christi, we had to unload everything from my car...I forgot to take pictures of how loaded my car was...but it was packed!!! I couldn't see out of the rear window, and I couldn't see my blind side on the passenger side of the car!!! As we opened to car door, we were immediately slapped in the face with the humidity!!! OMG!!! I don't think was have sweat so much in my life while unloading my car. For those of you that helped load my car and trailer in KC, that was nothing compared to here!!! After we got everything unloaded we cooled off a bit, then hit the beach!!!
While driving through Oklahoma, we stopped to see a great sorority sister and her cute little baby girl Avery!!! We had lunch with them, and then hung out at Kellie's house for a few hours and watched little Avery sleep while sucking her thumb!!! It brought back the good ole days when I sucked my thumb, actually it should have brough back the good ole years...I sucked my thumb for years...in fact until I was in the 6th grade!!! :) Of course, little Avery was dressed in my favorite prints ever...ZEBRA!!!!!
After our visit with Kellie and Avery...we hit the road again!!! I was never so glad to see TX!!! However, after we crossed the border we still had a LONG way to go!!!
After we got to Corpus Christi, we had to unload everything from my car...I forgot to take pictures of how loaded my car was...but it was packed!!! I couldn't see out of the rear window, and I couldn't see my blind side on the passenger side of the car!!! As we opened to car door, we were immediately slapped in the face with the humidity!!! OMG!!! I don't think was have sweat so much in my life while unloading my car. For those of you that helped load my car and trailer in KC, that was nothing compared to here!!! After we got everything unloaded we cooled off a bit, then hit the beach!!!
The USS Lexington and downtown Corpus Christi from the beach!!!
My condo from the beach!!!
The rest of the weekend, we just went out and had a good time!! We meet some fun people!!! Karisa has all the pictures of the nights out on the town, so as soon as I get them, I'll blog about them!!!
I have started my job, just been doing orientation stuff for the last 2 days, but tomorrow I start on the floor!!! It seems like forever since I have actually done patient care, and I can't wait!!! I'll also blog later on it, as I haven't really done anything yet!!!
When are you planning your trip to come to TX and see me????? ;)
Monday, August 2, 2010
I didn't escape without a few tears......
Jenna, Karisa, and I
My best friends from college had a little going away dinner for me Friday night!!! We went to Los Cabos and had my favorite...MEXICAN AND MARGARITAS!!! They are the best friends a girl could ask for!!! Even baby Easton was in attendance, and I loved on her majority of the time she was there!!! These girls have kept me sane in the most vulernable moments!! They are the ones that I go out with, stay in and watch movies with, indulge in my retail therapy with, and share everything with!! I will miss them dearly while I'm gone, but I know they are just a phone call away!!! With all of them being in the KC/Topeka area, they just might be that good excuse to hop on a plane and fly to eastern KS for a long weekend!!!!!
Karisa and I!! Love this girl!!!
The whole group!!!!
Baby Easton and I!!! Even though it was my going away party, she was the most important person there!!! Everyone loved on her all night long!!!

My old roomie with Baby Easton!!!!
Jenny and I!!! She has been there for me through everything!!! She loves living vicariously through my drama!!!!
Oh Jenna!!! She is always up for a good time!!! I will miss her dearly!!!!
Friday night ended pretty early has my mom and dad, little sister, a cousin, and friends were going to be at my apartment early Saturday morning to help my out my things!!
Saturday morning came way to fast, but when we got started moving everything, it went way too fast!!! Friends and family helped me move my things and we were done in 2.5 hours!!! Record time!! It was so hot, that at one point I thought that I was going to melt!!! Sweat was running down my legs....GROSS. A shower never felt so good when we finally got to the motel with my mom and dad.
Saturday night, my sister and I attended my cousins bachelorette party and then graced PNL with our presence, where me met up with some of my friends!!
Karisa, Tori, and I taking a shot before heading to the bachelorette party!!
My cousin Jenny taking her Jell-o shots!!!!
Karisa and Lexie at PNL!!!
Tori and I at PNL!!!
I didn't want Sunday to come, as I knew that I was going to be saying good-bye to my mom and dad, and my little sister...the next time I will see them is probably going to be in October...so I was dreading the tears that would come when the cars doors shut, and I was on my own. I told myself that crying was not an option...I didn't cry, even when my little sister looked me in the eye and said, it's not good-bye, it's see ya later. We both laughed to keep the tears away. However, once my mom and dad got home, mom sent me and my sisters an email about our new adventures and praying for us, she said that she wished us hope, faith, love, health, and safety along our way and that is when the tears hit. Thank goodness they didn't last long!!! Ok, I have to be done now, the tears are in full force and won't shut off...:).
My last weekend in KC was eventful and a blast, thanks to my wonderful family and friends!! I can't wait for everyone to come visit me in TX!!! I'm leaving Wednesday, so my next blog will be about the roadtrip with my bestie Karisa!! She was kind enough to take some vacation and roadtrip with me so that I won't have to drive 15 long hours by myself!! Next time, I'll be in TX!!!! WHOOP WHOOP!!!!
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