As I look at what I want to accomplish in 2014, I am a little overwhelmed, but I know from 2013 that if I put my mind to something, I will succeed…time and time again! So, here are the things that I want to accomplish in 2014! To me, it's a bucket list…those resolutions…well they fail…all.the.time! People start them, and they never finish…ever! So, by calling it a bucket list…I am hoping that I will be able to avoid the disappointment in February!
Finish my first year of graduate school with a 4.0…this is a HUGE goal for me because school DOES NOT come easy for me! I will be working my ass off to accomplish this bullet point…but I know that if I put my mind to it and work hard, I will be able to do it!!!
Read the bible! Reading the bible is something that I have always wanted to do. I have a bible app on my iPad that has a program to read the bible in 365 days…starting today I am going to read the bible in a course of a year!
Run 500-1000 miles…I haven't shared with most of you that I now have a running coach! I am just about to finish my first 8 weeks with him. I am loving it, and I wanted to make a goal of how many miles I will run because last year I never thought it was possible to run 13.1 miles and I accomplished! Running is something that I have learned to love…it has become my therapy and something that I make time for!
Cycle 1000 miles…my love for cycling is still there, it has just been overtaken by my running! I want to spend more time on my saddle this year…especially since I got a bike carrier for my new car…and I was secretly more excited about the carrier than my car!
Continue my budget,..I started a budget in November…and it's been hard! December didn't go so well, but I am determined to start this year off on a budget and stay on one until I get somethings paid off!
Eat healthier…I do really well for a while, and then I binge on bad food. It takes me a while to get back on the healthy eating kick again! So, I am starting January 7th with a 10 day Advocare cleanse…in hopes that it'll kick off some healthy eating that will continue forever!!!
Pay it forward once a month…I read about my fellow bloggers paying it forward…and I get a little jealous that they are being so generous to strangers! I can't wait to pay it forward to someone that may not expect it! Putting a smile on someone's face is going to be the greatest reward! There you have it…my bucket list for 2014! Here's to having a successful 2014! I can't wait to see what this year will bring me! I am excited to start and get the most out of this year!
My blog started in 2010 with my adventures as a travel nurse. I stopped updating my blog in 2014. I am now back but for completely different reasons. At 32, I have been diagnosed with stage IV non-small cell adenocarcinoma lung cancer. I am now shifting my blog to tell the story of my fight with cancer.
"I wanna do something that matters, say something different. Something that sets the whole world on its ear. I wanna do something better with the time I've been given. I wanna try to touch a few hearts in this life. Leave nothing less than something that says...I was here." ~Lady Antebellum
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