
Friday, January 13, 2012

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Well, I made it through the holidays even though I wasn't with my family!  It was my lucky year to work, so I spent Christmas eve & Christmas day with my work family!  Despite the fact that we were all away from our families we had a good time and made it the best that we possibly could!  It was definitely complete with a potluck dinner Christmas eve that we all brought in!  There was so much yummy food! Christmas morning, I had tears in my eyes when I was driving home because wanted to be with my family so bad.  Coming home to an empty apartment is especially not the best thing when it's Christmas morning, but my little Mia was so excited to see me it put a little comfort in my heart.  She licked away my tears with her happy Christmas kisses and made my morning!!!  She is a spoiled little pup & believe me when I say that Santa didn't miss her in his trip around the world!!

Miss Mia with her new toys from Santa!!

Christmas morning with her Christmas sweater on!!!  It says: "Santa's #1 helper"!

I actually had New Year's off and my sister, her husband, and his brother came to Denver and spent the weekend with me!!  Of course, Gia came too, and her and Mia did nothing up play the entire weekend!  We had plans to go up to Loveland and go skiing on New Year's Eve day and we went up the mountain alright, just in time for a blizzard and 65-80 mph winds!!  People were walking around the basin like it was just another day in paradise.  Once we decided that we weren't going to go skiing because there were times when we were standing about 40 yards from the ski lift and we couldn't see it due to the wind and snow, we turned back around, but not before I got wind blasted and the snow immediately turned to ice on my face...needless to say I was happier than ever that we were headed back to Denver and fast!!!
New Year's Day we went to the Broncos/Chiefs game with all our red gear on...and let me tell you it is not fun being the minority!  However, I can say that we came out on top even if the Broncos fans are poor losers!!!  Some were not very nice, and I'll just leave it at that!  
I hope that everyone had a fabulous holiday season and that your 2012 is off to a great start!!! :)

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