
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2011 Bucket List...

As I was sitting in church on New Year's Day, Father Pete was speaking about new year resolutions, and how they sound so good, but by the end of January all those resolutions are out the window and they haven't made you the better person that you thought they were going to.  He also spoke about how about five years ago saying Merry Christmas was normal and welcomed with a smile, now it's "politcally" incorrect to say Merry Christmas.  So, he challenged each of us in the congregation to not make a resolution, but to go through 2011 with God spread across our face and to show the love, support, and challenges that God has given us each day to everyone!! He said that by doing this the greeting Merry Christmas will be just as welcoming as it was 5 years ago! As I was sitting there listening to him, I was thinking, dang it, I already have a resolution that I want to accomplish in 2011, but sadly enough it was only one, and it didn't included my faith.  So, I went home and re-thought my resolutions.  Instead of having resolutions, I have decided to make a bucket list!  So the items on my bucket list include:
1. Volunteer at a homeless shelter/church/school at each assignment I take as a travel nurse
2. Become debt free (I'm almost there!!!)
3. Run a half marathon
4. Attend mass once a week and once on the weekend
5. Be less negative
6. Take a girl's trip
7. Make a difference in someone's life
8. To be the best friend/sister/daughter that I can possibly be
9. Try new recipes/different kinds of food
10. Donate more money than I did this last year


  1. Love it, Alli! That is a great list and I share many of the same goals. Miss you! ~Linds
