Since I haven't posted since January 13th, I am going to highlight each month to hopefully cut down on the length of this blog!
Late January: I travelled to Kansas City for one of my friend's baby shower that I and 3 other friends threw for her. It was great to be back in a city that I once lived in and be with the friends that made living there fabulous! It's amazing how it all came back to me, the highways, how to get here and there, downtown KC, and fun with friends! Oh, the memories that city brings back!
Feburary: Not much happened this month, I spent my time working and trying to stay warm here in the Rockies. The amount of snow that we got this winter was a ton! My friend Kendra, her husband Travis and their adorable baby boy came to visit me! I introduced them to fondue! A group of my friends and I spent an evening at a place called Canvas & Cocktails...we recreated our version of Starry Night!!!
March: I spent 5 days in Sioux Falls, SD with my older sister and her beautiful family! It was great to see Hudson and Nicholas! Hudson had changed a lot since I had been there in January! My great friend Jenny gave birth to her beautiful daughter Jentry! It's amazing seeing all my friends get married and have a family of their own...and then I think back about the memories we made in college and how back then we never thought we would have children! My friend Lexie came to visit and we spent a long weekend in Breckenridge skiing, watching March Maddness, and just enjoying each other by catching up on our lives!

April: I spent a long weekend in Oakley with my entire family for Easter! We always have a great time! It was baby Hudson's first trip to Nana and Papa's house! He is such a great baby! We spent Easter Sunday with some of my mom's sister's and her brother, and their families! In late April, a high school friend came out to visit me, we went hiking, enjoyed an evening downtown having sushi and going to Howl at the Moon dueling piano bar!
May: My mom, dad, and Tori came out to Denver for a weekend full of shopping for our trip to Rome in June! We were successful in finding fabulous clothes to visit Italy! Of course, my dad proposed his idea about going to the mall and finding a new pair of shoes then going up to the mountains to the casino, of course he won his proposal!! However, it saved us girls from having to listen to him complaining about just how much fun shopping is!!! He loves those casinos!Beginning of June: This month has already been filled with fabulous weekends...and I have many more to come!!! The first weekend, I went home to Oakley and ran in the 1st annual 5K/10K race with my mom and sister! I only ran the 5k, but cut 2 minutes off my time!!! I was beyond surprised!!! Tori was an animal and ran the 10K...I admire her ambition!!! She did a fabulous job and cut 3 mintues off her time! Mom ran/walked the 5k and Tori told her that her goal was below 40 minutes and she did it!!! It was a fabulous morning and a great day to spend time with my family!! Just when I thought I had ran out of steam...I turned the corner on main street and there was my dad standing at the water stop in front of the Annie Oakley Hotel and seeing him gave me a little more kick to finish the race!
After my race in Oakley, I bought a TREK roadbike! I have been wanting a roadbike after I have been training on the trails of the front range in Denver!! The trails are paved trails that go through the whole city! A person doesn't have to cross a street or worry about cars!! I love bike and I have already done many miles! I am planning to do an All-Women's ride in August with a friend! I can't wait!
Last weekend I went to Snowmass, Co with a group of friends for a Chili Pepper Brew fest! We had a blast!! Anyone that knows me knows that Chili is not my favorite...and even after a few too many beers, I am still not a fan of that nasty stuff! I just can't make myself like it! After the festival we left Snowmass Sunday morning drove to Hanging Lake, we hiked the 2 miles straight up the mountain to get to a beautiful lake!! It was worth the strenuous hike!
And that brings us to today!!! This is a rather long post, but it's 6 months worth of updates!!! I promise to keep up to date with this blog from now on!!! Know that I am loving Denver and all it has to offer!!! This city and I have become close friends!!! Tomorrow I start a 4 day stretch of work only to end on Tuesday with vacation!!! My family and I are headed to Rome next Sunday and we can hardly wait!!! Unitl next time....